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Showing posts from October, 2018

What's Up 10/29/18

Again October has gone so quickly, my favorite month. I wish it would last, oh say 6 months..... heaven. The 2nd week was our anniversary and we took time away to celebrate, then last week was all of Mom follow up doctor visits (which she is doing good). This week has been a little bit of a breather with catching up on cleaning and projects. One is the Scrappy Nine Patch that came back from the quilter. Now it's time for binding   You can see from this photo that it was done in the Methodist Fan Time to get out the big rulers and trim Next just getting the binding sewn on,  think I'll use the background fabric. Up on the design wall is a current project that our sewing group started at our last meeting The pattern is Windmills from Cultural Fusion Quilts book I'm doing mine as you can see all in blue fabric. I have a love for blue and have tubs of blue and really needed to get to using and not just collect.

Slow Sunday

It has been a nice slow Sunday, stayed home, enjoyed the rain and just vegged out. I've started a cardigan a couple weeks ago for myself but I'm afraid that it might be too big. Using a new yarn for me by Lion Brand called Comfy Cotton Blend. I'm really liking how it's working up and it has a real nice feel to it I did do a gauge swatch and it measure out the way it should but when I took a measurement of the back I completed it was a size too big. Now that shouldn't be that big of a deal but the pattern is already over-sized which could be an issue.This was a PDF pattern I purchased.    So if it is after completed, still big..... I will make a gift of it to one of my daughters. I'm working now on one half of the front. And all is going well and crocheting is much quicker than knitting for me which makes it so much more enjoyable. Hope your Sunday was a good day for you too. Linking up with  Kathy

Plugging Along

This past month I have made a little progress. I have one of the Halloween dish towel done I have embroidered two more but still need to add the printed binding  Seems like I have more starts than finishes right now Did finished another afghan and I have plans for this one. Pete had to break it in. I am planning on getting a Class B RV, also know as a camper van. And this will go in the van. I know what I want it's just convincing "the man of the place" Up on the wall is the Hexie diamonds I have completed  Also started prepping the Garden Party quilt by Laura Heine  I wanted the feel of being at the beach, soft and soothing. I had some help as you can see. Till next time