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Showing posts with the label civil war quilt

What's up Monday

This is what's up on my wall for me to work on this week, it's my Civil War Blocks from Barbara Brackman's blog she did last year. Need to finish quickly before the site goes down. I'm home again and it seems like I have been saying that a lot these past few months. Beside telling myself I have so much  to catch up on. I was out in the veggie garden just feeling overwhelmed with the weeds doing so  much better than the veggies I have growing. I usually mulch very heavily but did not have the straw or the time to get it done between trips. That is why the weeds have over taken some of the beds. There will be some gardening on my list for this week. With the temp being in the triple digits this week I will only be able to spend a couple hours in the morning outside. I have been indoor way too much lately so I am just not use to this heat. What a woos. I plan on trying to get my list shorten. I did get a couple of the things from my last list done, w...

Trugging along

I have been working on some more of BB CWBOW, and when I went on her blog today to do another block I notice, not knowing when she had posted it, that she is going to leave her Civil War blog up until April so us who are behind can get caught up. Now I really didn't need to hear that. I can procrastinate and heaven know that is just to tempting. I'm going to pretend I didn't read that.  I did my quota of 10 blocks for last week and 3 blocks done for this week.  I notice that it seems like I can spend  just as much time picking out the fabric as it take to make the block. But there's so much involved, I'm trying not to use the same fabric more than once. There will come a time I'll need to but it's a challenge to see if can get away with using all the fabric just once. #17 Comfort Quilt    #3 Seven Sisters  #12 Louisiana  #8 Cotton Boll  I'm really feeling good about each one I get done. I'm almost done with a...

Update on Civil War Blocks

Yesterday I was able to do a couple more so it brings my total to 9, whooo-hooo!!! #11 London Square  #10 Lincoln's Platform  I also had been working on some applique for the 30's clubs quilt.. Next month is the last month for the BOM of the 30's and I will be assembling all the blocks together I have one more that looks the same but is larger and then another to finish appliquing. Then I realize with all that I have been doing that I forgot to give  the conclusion of the snowman quilt and the putting on of the last border. I had full intention of completing it last week but I did not realize the fabric given and the instructions did not correlate until after I had cut the fabric and was assembling it. So that made me short. Not much, but enough where I had to go get some more fabric. I have to wait to finish because my quilt is used at my friends shop for the sample of a BOM offer this year. I'll have to wait to show it after next mon...

More Civil War Blocks (spelling?)

Today I was able to spend a little time sewing and completed 3 more blocks. This time I did number and name them. Now if I would just be as productive on my Dear Jane I might be getting somewhere.  #7 Log Cabin #9 Birds in the Air #6 Richmond And guess what, I found another tub af fabric. This one had Jo Morton collections. So this make 7  of the 10 for this week aready done and I have 5 days left to do the remaining 3. Now if I can keep it up I'll be gaining headway quick.  Till next time Kat =^..^=