Blogmas 2021 My "Chicken" Tree I had made all this last year for Christmas and to be in full disclosure, I haven't taken it down. It stayed up in the corner of the living room all year. That is how much I love it Update here 12-13-21 I wrote those words and this post 9 years ago on this day. And that tree has remained up the whole time except a few years ago I changed the tree to a aluminum one. You will see the original pictures of the tree. Except the first one and this next one. I had found a crochet pattern on Ravelry for these rooster ornament . I ended up only making one a rooster (love machine) and the rest to be my flock I have If you leave off the tail feathers they look like hens. So I made them to look like my flock of girls. Then I added these fake eggs I found at Hobby Lobby, except the ones in the wooden box at the bottom of the tree, they are real. I put the rooster at the top, looking o...