Today my mom had her congestive heart failure check up. When Mom or Dad have a doctor appointment in Tulsa I'm usually away from the house for 6 to 7 hours. Makes for a long day. Her appointment went well, she's maintaining which is good. I always take some sort of handwork with me when I go to the doctors appointments and today I did not have a small crochet project I'm working on so I picked the bag with my hexagon Diamonds that I've been working on for the past 2 years I started this project almost two years ago when we went to Houston Texas to MDAnderson Hospital for my mom's cancer diagnosed at that time. . I have seen this picture online on Pinterest and just loved this quilt and I thought well I'll just start this. I had not taken anything with me because we thought it was going to be a short trip, well we ended up being there for a month. So I went by a quilt shop and picked up som...