I have been home now for a little over a week and I can say I finally feel like things are back to normal. Funny how sometimes you need a space of time to get adjusted to your routine after being gone for so long. And one of my bad routines, maybe not bad but I could be utilizing my time better, is I will check my blog in the morning then check my blog list and I'll start reading and then before you know it I'm surfing the web and before you know it I have been on my iPad for over an hour. It's the time of the year that makes it a bad thing. Because if I need to be doing anything outside should be first thing in the morning when it's the coolest. And it's not saying much as far as being the coolest, kids right now it's 80° humidity is 85% and the dewpoint is like 75. It's like living in the tropics. I did braved the outside long enough to let the chickens out the henhouse and check on anything that needed to be harvest today like some blueberries, cab