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Showing posts with the label Getting it done

2013 Goals and thoughts

Well here it is a new year with many plans ahead for so many. I wasn't sure if I was even going to make any resolutions. I decided not to, instead I going for goals. So my thoughts are that if I am able to complete one thing a week that could be approachable. It could be health related, or for my family or me. Maybe one of my quilt project or something around the house or garden. Something that maybe isn't important but been wanting to do. I believe it would be worth a try and see what I can achieve this year. There are a few other thoughts I had and one was that my blog needs a good cleaning and rearranging. So that is my first goal for this week, a make over. I am also going to again this participate in Judy's UFO challenge but this year she revamped it. It's called "Getting it Done", we pick  4  things we want to get done in one month time. Here are mine for January; 1. Finish the boys quilt, and yes still not completed, I really need this enc