I have lived in my home here for over 10 yrs and these little Iris's have been here. The previous owner loved Iris's and they are everywhere, so I assume she planted these. Now in the time I have been here they have never bloomed but for some reason they did this year and they are beautiful. Now to look at the first picture you would think that they are just an average iris but pictures can be misleading. So I went in the house and retrieved a yard stick. Now you can see how small they are. That's right, only 5 inches tall anf that is with the bloom.With just the leaf blades they are 4 inches. I am so pleased with them but the area they are growing in is a spot I want to redo this spring. The thought of digging them up is scaring me. I do not want to lose them and the best time for me to of transplant them would of been a couple of months ago. I had not given them a thought then. I'm going to have to gi...