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Mini Iris

I have lived in my home here for over 10 yrs and these little Iris's have been here. The previous owner loved Iris's and they are everywhere, so I assume she planted these.   Now in the time I have been here they have never bloomed but for some reason they did this year  and they are beautiful. Now to look at the first picture you would think that they are just an average iris but pictures can be misleading. So I went in the house and retrieved a yard stick. Now you can see how small they are. That's right, only 5 inches tall anf that is with the bloom.With just the leaf blades they are 4 inches. I am so pleased with them but the area they are growing in is a spot I want to redo this spring. The thought of digging them up is scaring me. I do not want to lose them and the best time for me to of transplant them would of been a couple of months ago. I had not given them a thought then. I'm going to have to gi...

Favorite Garden Books

Seeing how I am stuck inside  (we have had 6.5" of rain in 24 hrs) and spring fever had hit me this past week, it's hard thinking about anything else and what I am going to do next out in the veggie patch. So beside trying to sew today, I have been going through a few of my favorite garden books to satisfy that urge. Now this book was my first garden book I bought beside a subscription to Organic Gardening back in the 70's.  Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew This book was first publish in 1981 and that was the year I purchase mine and has been updated a couple of years ago. I used this method and in a way still do. But back in California I lived in the suburbs and did not have much space. This book is perfect  for backyard gardening  The Vegetable Gardener's Bible by Edward C. Smith is an excellent resource on almost all the veggie you will plant. Gives info on planting requirements, companion plants good and bad...

What's up Monday

I have been trying to play catch up lately so this is  what's up on my wall and on my cutting table. I know I have a lot that I am posting about and I realize I will not get them all done today but I am going to work hard on these.  Today is the start of a 3 - 4 day rainy spell we are predicted to have here and that will keep me out of the garden and in the sewing room.  This is this months  Stash Bee  block exchange, I'm in Hive 1 It is a very pretty block and I will get this one done today   This is next months BOM at  Sager Creek  I am so in love with William Morris style. All I plan to do is just prepare the blocks for appliqueing. These are this months UFO Challenge    #8  And I'm only a 1/3 done and I am trying to have this done by the end of the month. I do not believe I will make it. I work on this while watching TV. Looks like I need to watch more TV.  :} ...

Egg Recipe #12

This evening we had breakfast for dinner and this time I made Shirred Eggs. If have never heard of these, you have been missing out. To have eggs cooked this way is very delicious. The cream and Gruyere cheese make your mouth water.  Now my eggs tonight thou were not get made with heavy cream or Gruyere cheese, seeing how I did not have either in the house and I did not want to drive to town just for those items. So I used half and half with some Cheddar and Monteray Jack cheese. It was good but not as good as when made with the ingredients in the recipe. Shirred Eggs serves 2 2 eggs 2 tablespoons heavy cream 2 tablespoons shredded Gruyere cheese 2 teaspoons minced shallot a few sprigs of thyme 2 pieces of toast, cut into thin slices Preheat oven to 425°F. Lightly grease two 4-inch ramekins (you can use a smaller size, or tea cups work as well; you may have to adjust your cooking time for desired setting of the eggs). Crack ea...

Exquisite Quilts

I have photos from The Dallas Quilt Show and all I can say is that a picture says a 1000 words. 1000 words more better than I could express I found the show to be very well done and the quality of quilts show the excellent craftsmanship of quilters. True artisans. I have more to process, like I said it was an excellent show. Great job Dallas. Till next time Kat =^..^=

Chicken Blog Hop

OK I really feel like I am out of the loop, seeing how I have been out of town a lot lately. I have been catching up on reading a few of the blogs I follow and came across this  Chicken Encyclopedia Blog Hop  put on by Storey Books, who have a couple of the best chicken resource books out there. It has been going on for a week now before I even knew about it but you can go back to the beginning and catch up, that's what I am doing. I am finding new blogs that are devoted to chickens, I like finding ones on things I love and I love raising chickens.  So I thought I'd pass it on and maybe you too will learn something new. Just hit the link and it will take you to inside Storey Books blog and there is the list of all the blogs to visit. Till next time Kat =^..^=


Woo Whoo 20,000 pages viewed I just can't believe it Thank you everyone, I hope I gave you something you enjoyed and I believe in a on going growth in ones life, so that mean I will continue and god willing be improving along the way. And again