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Apology needed

Now that the rushing around for Christmas is over I took time to look at my blog and realized that I had not finish telling how to go about getting the border on the Christmas Plaid String Quilt. I was going to change my quilt so I didn't finish it, so I put it off to the side to worked on things for Christmas. One thing led the another but here's where I owe an apology for leaving anyone who was working on theirs and had to finish on their own. The pattern called for an inner border of 1.5" and outer border 4.5" Looks good but I had a lot of end pieces left from cutting the triangles from strip sets, you will/or would of also. So I thought instead of adding more to my scrap pile (which if you remember)  is huge. I decided I would cut from my leftovers the  4.5" pieces for the outer border.  Like so. This is my pile of end pieces So I trimmed the end off and then measured 4.5' and cut. But the one on the end did not quite make i

Have A Very Merry Christmas

From all of us here on the farm in Oklahoma, wishing you the very best for Christmas. See you after Christmas. Kathleen

Oh My, What am I Going to do

Oh my, I just received this email from Sentimental Stitches and she had posted about a new mystery quilt she is going to start in January along with Brenda P (Dear Jane). I just love the idea they are going to do. It iwill be  a 2 color quilt. Can get no better than that. The idea was inspired by Red and White exhibit  of Joanna Sernel Rose's collection of quilts this past year in New York  I so wanted to go see that exhibit and was unable to. All the pictures I have seen are just amazing.and make me drool, need a bib each time I look.  And now there is an app I just came across a couple of days ago you can put on you iPhone or ipad or android. On Gay's new blog you will find the links to download, plus they are free (at least the iPhone was, I don't know about the others). You need to get it, it's just wonderful. Inspiration any time, like when your sitting waiting why not look at some quilts . I really need to curb my enthusiasm, I have just gotten done

My UFO List

I am going to join in the UFO challenge at Patchwork Times  for this coming year 2012. You have to have at least 12 UFOs and by the way that is no problem here, not at all. The problem is picking  only 12.  Now I do not have pictures at this moment but I will when it get closer to the time. I have to confess something, my friend Mary and I had already talked about doing the same thing but just between us, but she knows of my blog and I don't think she'll mind if I make my part more public. So here goes, Hunter Star (Blue and White) Sisters in Scripture Dresden Plate Christmas Round Robin (finish last border) Vintage Garden Scandinavian Xmas Tell Wall Hanging Birdie Quilt Baby quilt (needs quilting) Taupe Sampler Purple Quilt Select Six OK that's my 12. I'm off (OK after Christmas) Till next time Kat =^..^=

A site to see

If you haven't been to Pine Ridge Quilter blog I'm giving a link to it here and you must see the collection of antique quilts she has posted. She has been posting one for each day in Dec. up until Christmas. She is on 21 right now. If you love the old quilts as much as I do it's a must see. Not much info on them but it doesn't matter when there is so much eye candy. Till next time Kat =^..^=

Festival Of Trees

I have meant to put this out here for a couple of weeks, but I am like so many right now trying to get ready for Christmas besides dealing with daily life. If you haven't yet gotten your tree up or you are looking for new, neat ideas, maybe I have a few for you. At our church we have an annual Festival of Trees where others donate a decorated tree or Christmas idem to be auctioned off. Proceeds go for the angel tree and holiday food baskets. So much fun to see all the creative trees that are offered. This tree is made with Christmas stories and small items. They photo copied Christmas book covers on card stock. This tree has a cowboy theme. Bandanna bows, cow bells, little cowboy hats and jute cord to be garland which gives the look of rope. We had our UMW cluster meeting that weekend so Fern McFarland made these peppermint place mats for all the tables. So cute, and the tables also had added decorations with peppermints candy.  This tree was decorated

Winner of the Blog Hop Party Giveaway

It's here, the winner: True Random Number Generator Min: 1 to  Max:  184  the Result: 97   And the winner with that number is Melinda who wrote "I still like Silent Night the best" Congratulation Melinda, I will be emailing for your info. I want to thank everyone who stopped by. And I want to let new and old followers know that I m so excited to have you all following and I hope I can keep you interested with my ramblings of here on the farm and my obsession with quilting and such. Enough said I'll keep this short and just say Thank you  all and till next time, be safe, healthy and happy. Kat