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Update on the Girls

I wanted to give a little update on my chickens.  Seeing how I hadn't written that much last year, I didn't include much about the chickens.  In December I lost five chickens to some unknown wild creature. For the longest time I would always let my chickens out and do what they call free-range, out of their outdoor pen. Well that's how I lost the five chickens, they were out just doing their chicken thing. So since then I decided I'm just going to keep them locked up in their pen area.  It's winter now and there's really not much for them to forge for, so I just supplement their feed with some scratch and just let them fend for themselves in their pen.  Since I've been doing that I've also been  getting more eggs.  I'm down to six hens and I'm getting about three eggs a day.  But when I had the 11 and they were out roaming around I was lucky to get an egg in their nesting box, say once every three or four days.

What's Up 1-14-19

First what's up for the year... And whats up on the wall is the Snowman quilt I thought I lost. For over 3 years I did not know where this quilt was and I looked everywhere. At least I thought so until one day I was out in the garage rummaging for something and at the bottom of a box with old kitchen stuff there it was. Had it quilted a few months ago and had plans to get the binding on in time for Christmas but that never did happen. Decided to go with a solid  indigo, something I have a lots of. Only took a half of yard thou, I make 2 1/4" strips for my binding. I like binding more on the thinner side. Got a start on it this  evening after dinner, which by the way was pretty good. Tried out a new  recipe I saw on a YouTube channel. It's called Pizza Casserole It's a low carb friendly and very tasty plus "the Man of the Place" liked it also, which is good. Some of the recipes I try out he doesn't care for

Not Slow Sunday

I have to admit it wasn't as slow of day as I would of liked. Between cleaning, cooking a nd helping "the Man of the Place" loading and unloading wood to the back porch. This is are 3rd pick up load and smallest so far this winter. we only burn wood to heat our home. Love wood heat but boy it is messy between the tracking in of dirt and wood shavings, then the cleaning out of the stove. Wish they made self cleaning stoves like they do ovens. Also finished up cleaning my sewing room which I started yesterday Before After It was such a mess from pretty much being a catch all during the holidays But now it's fit for me to get back in there and do some creating. So I wasn't able to get to any handwork till this evening Working on a Garden Party block Over half way done with this block Like how the butterfly looks While I was picking up I noticed the underside of the box the little plants w

Busy New Year

I have been very busy since I last wrote. We had a belated Christmas so while you all were relaxing from the hectic holidays, mine started. With all that cleaning, planning, cooking and then company. My daughter and family left Monday so it was back to getting the house in order, which took until today to finish.   It was nice to get this all put away. Wasn't sure if I was going to, this morning I thought I was coming down with the cold "the Man of The Place" has. But not bad right now. Can't get sick because I need to take my parents to Doctors appointments. Had two this week and for the rest of the month it is at least two a week. January is a busy month. While waiting for them I was able to get another hat done. I had made 4 hats for Christmas, and my daughter said she would like a pink one after seeing the ones I had done.   Next is to make a fur topper instead of a pompom Have seen these in picture on Instagram

2018 Reflection

Boy another year just quickly flew by, especially the last half of this year. Seeing how I hadn't written in two months I have been reflecting on how this year went and what I would like to see in 2019. I have come to realize that turning 60 this year really effected my  mental state.  Never though it would. Thinking about what I wanted in this stage of my life was overwhelming. Actually for the last part of this year I became melancholy. But with time and lots of contemplation, I have work my way through it. My focus has changed some and at one time I wasn't even sure if I wanted to continue blogging as shown with my lack of posting. But I realized after seven years I still do enjoy blogging and have ideas on where I want to go with my blog. I want to go back to more what it was when I started. A reflection of my whole life not just mainly quilting. I'm not stopping, just want to add more variety. Decided not to try to do everything, need to be selectiv

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What's Up 10/29/18

Again October has gone so quickly, my favorite month. I wish it would last, oh say 6 months..... heaven. The 2nd week was our anniversary and we took time away to celebrate, then last week was all of Mom follow up doctor visits (which she is doing good). This week has been a little bit of a breather with catching up on cleaning and projects. One is the Scrappy Nine Patch that came back from the quilter. Now it's time for binding   You can see from this photo that it was done in the Methodist Fan Time to get out the big rulers and trim Next just getting the binding sewn on,  think I'll use the background fabric. Up on the design wall is a current project that our sewing group started at our last meeting The pattern is Windmills from Cultural Fusion Quilts book I'm doing mine as you can see all in blue fabric. I have a love for blue and have tubs of blue and really needed to get to using and not just collect.