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Showing posts with the label air-ship propeller

PLaying Catch Up

I have been so preoccupied with getting the flooring in that I haven't taken time to write the past 2 days. So here is a quick catch up  The floor is not done.  Could just leave it at that but I won't. Some of the hardwood planks are bowed so they weren't useable, and there was an unusual amount of these boards so they are checking into getting some replacements. So until then I have half of the floor in. That half does look nice. I was also working on staining the new baseboards, which there will be around 200 linear feet. Keeping me busy I was able to spend some time sewing the past couple of days.  Did finish another Farmer's Wife block and it is assembled correctly but just doesn't look right. After some thinking and studying the block I realized that after the block is sewn in, the 1/4 inch  seam allowance will make it look right. At least it I'm hoping. Did get the first Retro Air-Ship Propeller block together and now

Sewing with A Friend

I have been very fortunate to made many friends because of blogging. I haven't been able to meet any of them but that doesn't stop us from keeping up with each other. Nothings as great as sewing with friends so why not do some sewing with long distance friends. So it came about by chance through discussing a pattern Karen at Quilts...etc  what trying to find out about that we are going to sewing along with each other a quilt using this block. It happens to be a pattern that has been around since the 1930's besides the update pattern by Jen Kingwell. The original pattern was printed in 1933 in the Kansas City Star newspaper. I had a copy of this pattern which is called Air-Ship Propeller .  I had a few years back while attending the Central Oklahoma Quilt Guild show I purchased a copy of the collection. This guild back in 1985 decide that they would collect the patterns and make the blocks that were printed in the Kansas City Star from 1928