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Showing posts with the label books

Yarn Along

I have finished a couple projects since the last time I wrote about what I had been working on. I was able to finally and I mean finally finish, a pair of socks that I had started over 3 years ago. I remember working on them while flying to California. Now I have to decide who will be the recipient.  I also started and finished a scarf with some yarn that I had in my stash.  Effin Scarf Found this pattern that I thought was so cute and before using some expensive yarn, made it with the stash yarn.  Turned out just as cute as the picture and that doesn't happen all the time for me.   It was very fast and easy, a no brainer. Going to start another using this yarn here. I was also able to listen to a couple of books too.  The first was It was a fun spooky little book. Not too gory.  It was one I found out about on another blog here on Ginny's link up a while back. Thanks to all the others who link up I h

Yarn and Books

I have a finish to show and a little progress has been made on the cat cocoon. I did get another child's scarf completed. Using more stashed yarn. It doesn't take much to make this scarf tho. When I was crocheting this, it doesn't irritate the carpal tunnel in my right wrist but if I knit it will. You would think the opposite seeing how I move my wrist more when I crochet. Oh well But I get do a few more row on the cat cocoon and I was going to link the pattern but it is no longer available.  I'm sure hope it will stand up like the picture Now I have been listening a lot to books this month   I have finished 3 books Flash I enjoyed this book. The author had a way of taking a simple event and it make into a teachable moment. I would recommend this if you are looking for a faith based book that is more of a story than a preaching book. The second was a freebie I downloaded from Amazon. I am a big Laura Ingall Wilder fan an

Yarn Along 02.11.16

I'm not able to knit for very long before my carpal tunnel starts acting up. So it is taking me forever to get something completed. Needless to say I'm still working on the cat ball bed and the socks I started over a year ago. I'm just chugging along. With Lenten season, I decided to read something spiritual in nature, besides my daily readings.  I came across this book.    I know beads are used in many faiths while praying. And when I saw this I thought it sounded very interesting. Here what is the description says, A Bead and a Prayer introduces Protestant prayer beads to Christians who have no experience in praying with beads. Author Kristen Vincent explores the history and art of using beads in prayer, explains how to use prayer beads, includes instructions for making your own set of prayer beads, and offers a variety of prayers. Through this book you will learn how prayer beads can help you deepen your faith, understand Chr

Yarn Along

This past couple years I have had to deal with pain in my right hand when knitting. So I have been doing very little. The slippers I just made was taxing and so disappointing cause knitting is something I love to do and here it is more pain than pleasure. Knitting is the first thing I learned and has been my go to handwork. even with that said, I will not give it totally up. I had started this when in California for my daughter and I'm back at it.  cat cocoon Mine is not in pretty colors like this. Mines are in earth tone colors. The cats will love it. Now for the books. I gave myself a goal this year of reading 25 books.  Well I'm a little short of this goal. Right now on number 23 and do not believe I can have 2 more books read in a couple weeks. But that's  OK. there is next year Presently reading  This is the second book in "The Mitford Years" series. and so loving it. Its a sweet read that makes me wished I was there

Hump day

Well it's Wednesday and the middle of the work week.  Even though I can't say I work outside the place, I do work at home which in some ways my week is all week and not five days. This week I've been trying to accomplish some fall cleaning. I have washed the cabinets down. Today it's steam cleaning the rugs I need to do the windows, they look terrible. That's another day. But when I'm not doing any of this cleaning, I'm able to take break and work on prepping of the blocks and a little bit a knitting. I'm almost done with heels and almost time for the cuff Not sure if I will have enough time to get them done by the end of the month to put as one of my finishes for this quarter but I'm gonna try. Last month was my first time I attended the book club with my friend Donna and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Next month read is Dietland.  I haven't started it yet and really do not know much about it I just downl

Yarn Along, Beens to Long

I haven't done much knitting these past couple of months other than trying to work on the "2 at a time Toe up magic loop socks". I had worked on them while in Colorado last month but I haven't picked up my needles since then. Right now I'm at the heel point of the socks.  It's not that they are hard or anything it's just that I just haven't been spending the time knitting like I should. I need to complete these so I can start on my daughters socks.  Found this nifty orange and black dyed yarn at a yarn shop in Tulsa and a bonus is that they are from a local company here in Oklahoma For ones who do not know the school colors of orange and black, is OSU. That is where my youngest daughter attended college and graduated from.  And for the reading portion of this post I am currently listening to Of Mice and Men.  I am joining a reading group this month and this was one of the books requ

Bloomsday is Coming

Have you read Ulysses by James Joyce? I never had and have wanted to for some time now and this year I am going to finally do it.  If you follow me you know that I listen more often than read a book... Guess what  I'll be listening. I have wanted to read this book and now I will so I can finally understand whats Bloomsday is all about. Heard on NPR about Bloomsday  coming up ... June 16.... this Tuesday. I have 3 day to listen to this book which is 30hrs. Seriously I do not see myself able to complete it by Tuesday but I'm going to give it a good try. I can listen while sewing and gardening. Wish me luck For those like me who haven't read it - here is a description Publisher's Summary Joyce’s experimental masterpiece set a new standard for modernist fiction, pushing the English language past all previous thresholds in its quest to capture a day in the life of an Everyman in turn-of-the-century Dublin. Obliquely borrowing characters and situa

Yarn Along 6/10

I should call it books along cause that's pretty much about all I have to share of what I have accomplished these past two weeks. I did finish one Spa Washcloth and did a few more Make-Up Remover Pads but I mainly listen to a good many books on my drive from Northern California to Northeast Oklahoma... a 1900 mile drive. Since I was by myself it takes a little longer, 3 days. So in 3 days I was able to finish "The Girl On The Train" Then finish "The Blue Zone Solution" Started and finished "Crying Blood" And I'm 3/4 of the way done with "Healthy Brain, Happy Life" I would like to give my opinion of these books and a description by the publisher.  The Girl on the Train I enjoyed this book but I love mystery's. It kept me wondering who is involved and what was going on. It was a great book to listen to. The Blue Zone Solution I have a thing for nutrition so I read and study a lot on this subject. I have