I got back last night after 3 weeks away babysitting my grandsons.
Before I get into that I want to thank my friends for sticking with me after being away. Thank you.
I didn't post while there in California cause like many Grandparents I could of bombard you with pictures of the little dudes.
But I will share this one of them in their Halloween costumes.
They were part of the Paw Patrol,
and ready to go trick or treating.
We had so much fun.
I spent part of my day unpacking and taking my sweet time doing it.
Napped some and then spent the afternoon harvesting what was left in the garden that needed to be picked before the killing freeze (20's) tonight.
I harvested lettuce, beets, turnips, sweet potatoes, potatoes, green peas, radishes and a few carrots.
I was taking pictures but just haven't gotten round to editing them but I will and write more about my garden and how it did this year.
I just wanted to touch base and make this a short one today.
I have so much to share thou.
So until tomorrow
Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures with those two adorable little boys. They look fantastic in their Halloween costumes.