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July 4th 2014

Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. Abraham Lincoln

sew a grocery bag

I Not the best picture, sorry It does look a lot better I was looking back to when I had made a grocery bag from an empty chicken feed sack.  It's hard to believe it was 3 years ago and that I forgot the 3rd anniversary of the blog. I'm going to have to think of some cool way to celebrate. It's been awhile since I've done a thank you giveaway Until then back to the bag. Now that is what I used but if you have a cat food, dog food, bird seed or other livestock bag that is made from that woven like plastic they make them out these days, will work just as well and make very interest pictured sides. Here is the directions on how I made mine Till next time Kat

A Crochet Market Bag

source Lion Brand Yarns I had made a bag like this a couple years ago but had given it to my daughter so I do not have completed one to show. Like I had posted yesterday for Plastic Free July here is a pattern for a crochet market bag. I'm using Peaches and Cream cotton yarn and a free pattern off of Ravelry. Just started it this afternoon and it's a quick one to work up. Could go quicker if it was not for the carpal tunnel in my right hand and crocheting is harder than knitting for some reason. I went to take this picture and my new kitten "Bob" had to help again, he is very helpful. Now if you do not crochet you can get reusable bags at most grocery stores or reuse the paper sacks that are used in some stores. There are some in my car at all times, but have to admit there are times I've ran into the store and forgot to grab a bag or two. Have to make a conscious effect to keep it a habit. But one well worth it. Now for

Over Half Done

From the title you probably thought I was going to show a quilt or knitted item but I'm referring to the year. Here it is July 1st. Can you believe it, half the year gone. I did want to share with you that it is  That's right A few year back this started in Australia and has now become global. It is a conscience awareness of our use of plastic. The use of plastic is so common, most of us overlook how much we do use. So there's a Challenge The challenge is quite simple. Attempt to refuse single-use plastic during July.  "Single-use" includes plastic shopping bags, plastic cups, straws, plastic packaging...basically anything that's intended only to be used once and then discarded. If refusing ALL single-use plastic sounds too daunting this time, try the TOP 4 challenge (straws, plastic bags, plastic bottles & coffee cup lids). The rules Attempt to refuse single-use plastic during July. Remember it's not going to be easy!

Slow Sunday

I'm having a wonderful Sunday.  How about you? It started by going out to the garden to do some weeding and picking a few vegetables that had ripen.  And just a daily go around and check on how everything is doing. This is the time when I see all that still needs to be done so I plan out what I'll do next. There is always something to do. The squash that was planted on Thursday is already up.  The heat or should I say the humidity is something else today.   Wasn't able to stay out as late as I would've liked, but it was plenty long enough.  Been spenting the rest of my day sewing, working on my Curvy Log Cabin. Decided to make mine a twins size which means, needed to increase the amount of blocks from what the pattern saids.  Also decided assembly line sewing would be the way to go, doing 40 blocks at a time.  Woohoo! Then later after dinner I'll do some piecework, maybe kni

Some Farm Photos

I haven't shown pictures of around the farm in a few months. So here are some that I had taken these past few months. Thats why some are with the trees still bare. These are their natural color, not dyed Thank you

Oh My

Tell me it's not true I saw this on Facebook so I had to do the math. It's not correct. There 26 weeks till Christmas and according to the site  Your Christmas Countdown , thats 187 days. Just shows you that you can't believe everything that is posted. Or was that part of the meaning to this. Scary part is that half the year till Chrsitmas has past. So we have 6 months to get our presents made.