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My W.I.P. on my mind

I just finished my chores outside and I am all cleaned up and ready to tackle the inside jobs, (and no it's not housework) it's my W.I.P..  Now by the looks of the pictures you are probably thinking this woman has issues and you are on target there. I just have too many projects going that I am determind to finish. Today my goal is to finish the machine applique stitch to the snowman.   Finish glue basting the small yellow dots to  the red circles and then I can say I have finally the first block ready to stitch of the Beyond The Cherry Tree Quilt .  I have only been collecting the patterns for over a year and had the fabric all picked out but just kept saying to myself "I am not starting another project". Well I did complete a couple tops I had been working on, so I decided it's now or never. Beside I just could not stand waiting any longer. And with high hopes I hope to at least get the last block copied onto some freezer paper so I can get one step closer to f

Why Quilts Matter on PBS

Today I was checking my email and I had received this message from a guild I belong to. It is about a documentary on quilts that will be aired this fall called why quilts matter  . Check out the trailer if you haven't seen it yet.  Sounds interesting to me and I'll be looking for it on my PBS channel.

Pouting Chickens

Have you ever seen I pouting chicken?  That is what mine are doing or they would if they had lips. Maybe it's more like sulking. It's because as "the man of the place" put it so well,  we now live in a no-fly zone. The clipping is now a 100% efficient. We had to remove more of the spry white ones wing and it worked. So for the last 2 days the egg production has picked up. I was getting 3 - 5 eggs a day, now it's 8 - 9 eggs now. It should pick up more now that the young girls are now starting to lay. I have 25 hens. I think "the girls" might be considering something like this Off the subject but I'm writing this while watching  my soap, All My Problem Children.  I have watch this soap since near the beginning in the early 70's. I missed the first year. Now I know a lot of people do not watch soaps but for the ones who do, I can not believe they are taking it off the air. What is Erica going to do? And to think they are replacing it with anoth

Something Sunny

This is a postcard I pick-up at a 24/7 in Hays, Kansas.. I figure that since I wasn't able to get a good photo of those fields of sunflowers in Kansas, this was second best. Except the ones in the field did not have their sunglasses on like these guys Way too cool

My New Look

I'm playing around with my blog while waiting for "the man of the place". Thought I would try adding a picture to the title. Now let me tell you, I know I'm not much for this computer tech stuff and trying to do this only proves it. It took me over 3 hrs just to get that up. And I am not sure about it after I did get it up there. But after all that it is staying there for a while. I'm exhausted.

It's 90% Successful

Only 1 out of 10 "flew the coop" and of course it had to be one of the spry white ones, they all look alike to me. So when the "man of the place" gets back from the feed mill, I'll see if he has any ideas on how we can resolved this dilemma. This picture reminds me of the new entry they are going to put in the Webster dictionary, "Boomerang child"  Leaves the coop and as a adult wants to move back in. Now grant cha, it is not due to financial reasons here unless we can count that the food source is in there. I'm off to go make sweet relish, oh yeah did you catch the Pioneer Woman debut on the Food Network this morning? She now has a show, showing her and her family on the ranch here in Oklahoma and cooking. She had made Chicken Fried Steak, now you would think that since I'm now a country girl I would know how to make that but I really don't. I just have learned how to make proper gravy only in the past few years. So I guess I could gi

It's True Confession Time

OK I need to come out and admit to all out in the blogosphere that on occasions I can procrastinate . The Confession. Now to my defense and being honest, I do not do it all of the time. But this is one of those times. Do you remember when I had wrote about the rogue hen And I had said that I needed to clip the wing on her so she would stop flying out of the coop. Well I did not do it. Kept telling myself I'll get around to it and never did.  Today was the day, I was walking up the hill after feeding the calves down at the barn and walked past the old homestead, something caught my eye. I get closer to the house and low and behold what do I see but  this huge amount of eggs under the house There is 14 eggs there. Can't tell you if just one girl laid them or if there were others involved. There is a group of them that can fly over the fence. So today I got out my book, "Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens" Great resource, so on page 258 is this diagram on how to