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The Attack of the Mealybugs

I thought we were done with doctor or tests until the new year but oh no. Mom had a PET scan today so ended up being again an all day thing so no sewing for today. I decided when I got home I would take care of the pest I found on one of my newest houseplants. Last month I took a fun workshop on making up a container planting. In the planter is a beautiful orchid, very small ponytail plant, variegated ivy and a prayer plant. Well I noticed that the prayer plant had spots of white on the stems, leaves and any little cranny. Foliar Mealybugs are what the white fuzzy spots are.  Bad but not too bad. When your plant is not to infested, you can deal with killing the pest with rubbing alcohol. Take Q-Tips soaked in alcohol and touch each of the white cottony spot. Nasty little things, they can suck the life out of your plant. I need to follow up with an insecticidal spray like Neem oil, but I'm not sure if I still have som

Diamond Hexes

Day 17 already and in two weeks it will be 2018 I'm going to turn 60 next year, that just don't seem real. What is 60 suppose to feel like because I sure don't feel like I'm 59. Oh heck, I always said I refuse to grow up....a kid at heart. I said I would show more of Mom's Mosaic Diamond Quilt  I have 19 now done and a boot load more. I have found the fabric to use for the background hexagons. It's one of the Grunges, a mix of grey's with hints of beige's. A really good match I think. Looks good doesn't it. Then today before we went to take some firewood to my parents, I started on one of the gifts I want to give to the girls. It is bowl holders to use in the microwave. I have been wanting to make something like this for a least a couple years now. I am tired of burning my fingers getting something out of the microwave or trying to do it with pot holders (that doesn't work well).  I

Day 16

I did it again, missed a day on the  I have done better than I thought I would, especially since my blog has been neglected last month.  Well yesterday I tended to a few things around here and then I needed to finish next month BOM for the 30's club After it was done drove over to Siloam Springs to drop these off at the quilt shop. We visited for a while and I was given a pattern for the next stash buster. Stash Busters meet ever other month at the shop and I had to miss the meeting because I'm at the Master Gardening class on that day so Pam gave me the pattern. It is a free pattern by Windham Fabric called "All Wrapped Up" Cute pattern and I have a good stash of Christmas fabric and really would like to make this. Just not sure if I can make the time. There are a few items I want to make as gifts and they will need to come first. There is a gift I finished la

Two in One

I had everything ready for yesterday post, I knew what I wanted to share and even took a couple of pictures but I was just too tired to hassle with it all. You see Mom had a TEE yesterday, which meant I needed to leave the house before 8 because her test was at 11:00 and figure I would be back sometime before 3:00. She did fine and they were able to do the test but they had such a problem with getting an IV in that it was 3:00 by the time she was done. That meant I had 5 hours of sitting around waiting.   I did put to good use and was able to finish the corner blocks for the Retro Air-Ship Propeller. Was so hoping I could get the border finished today but was to busy cleaning after being gone everyday this week, the house was a mess. Also crochet a couple more little hats and  work a little on my hexes. I do have quite a few done and need to get a picture made to show. And also found the fabric to use between the diamonds. I'll get that all out tom

Making Progress

Been making progress on quilting. like I said thou slowly. Have another quarter section done. On to another   For some reason I can not get the pictures turned in the right sorry.

Day 11

Here it is Day 11 and to think Christmas is 2 weeks away I wanted share a little before I go to bed. Since last night I was able to get another 5 hats completed. In fact you can see that one is a deeper red, well that is because I ran out of yarn and had to go get some soft red yarn.  I purchased 3 skeins and I'm good to go now. I off to bed now, till tomorrow

Tid bits and Poinsettia Care

What a perfect Sunday and feeling blessed.... which hope yours is too. Was able to get a little sewing in this morning, this Tuesday is 30's Club and I want to have Jan. and Feb. BOM ready to give Pam so she can make up kits for participance. Along with sewing I cooked up a double batch of no-salt spaghetti sauce to share with my parents. Tomorrow mom has her CHF check up and just give it to them. This evening I plan on doing a few more hats to donate to I am running out of this soft red yarn.  Do have this  but I find it scratchy which I can use on something else, so maybe when in Tulsa I'll go by Joann's or something to get some soft yarn. And work on weaving up some more wash clothes. I have 2 blooming poinsettia plants (Euphorbia pulcherrima) so far this year and it is one of my favorite houseplants that I eagerly wait each ye