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What's up 5-21-19

I had meant to get this posted last night but unfortunately we had a bout of severe  weather, in fact a tornado touched down a couple miles from us. Really do not like these storms at night. Can't see it coming. We're good just some downed limbs and trees. Of course the water gaps are gone and needing repair (again). Now it's on to more calming stuff. What I'll start with is this week "one thing with Amy"  I had woven this a couple months ago and the plan was this was going to be a wrap. But when I was direct warping I came up short on yarn for the width I wanted. I still went ahead and made this. So plan B is to use this fabric to cover these pillows.  Then I wanted show what's up on the design wall. On the right is what I started last year for my middle daughter. She asked if I would make quilts for her camper. She has two beds. Such a cute pattern and so far I have only 2 tree blocks done, no w

Stitch Journal Day #19

I am a late joiner to the idea of a Stitch Journal and the process is what I like the most. The freedom of creativity is different from all the others. I find it meditative. Like today I was out on the back porch enjoying a cup of coffee when out in the pasture came a deer slowly moving through the high grass. We figure she must have a fawn near by because of the way she was acting, slow and cautious. What I never expected was to see the smallest fawn I've ever seen. For a brief time the fawn was in a spot of short grass and you could see that it barely came up to the mother's belly. Very awkward and unsteady at walking, so we knew it was born within the last 24 hrs. Just so precious. I was so in the moment never thought to take a picture. But that is what I put on my stitch journal, the fawn. Found floss that had the colors of the fawn, brown with light color for the spots        This is my representation of the fawn.

Some Finishes

I hadn't posted any finishes yet so I have a few to get you up to speed here. So this quilt here was the first "one thing" I had planned to do and that was to put the binding on. Took me an extra week to get it done. Now it need a good wash Then this next one was week #3 of "one thing" I had planned to make these a year and half ago but life happened. But now I have bowl cozies of mine own and have been using them. So wonderful, no more burnt fingers Then I did get the towels I woven hemmed. This is my first set of dish towels and had so much enjoyment weaving them that I am going to do more. They will make great gifts. They are larger than most that you can buy in the store. Really like the larger size. Last is this weeks "one thing" Garden Party block It turned out so pretty and I love how the laced flowers turned out. I do have another block prepped but I th

Works in Progress

I mentioned the other day that I would share some of the new projects I'm working on and my "one thing" It's the first block of The Garden Party quilt I started last year. This is the "one thing with Amy" I posted on Instagram.   Top is where I am now and bottom shows the lace flowers added there is a couple pedals left to applique and then the laced motifs flowers. Goal is by Friday. Now a new project is a stitch journal. Have seen various form of these on Instagram and was intrigued but it wasn't until I saw   Claire Wellesley-Smith and  Bonnie Sennott works. It spoke to me and I knew I needed to do one of mine own. I'm taking their Que and each day I stitch a representation of something I see outside. So far I have the last of the Dogwoods on the first of May in the center. As I go around the center each day I'm adding, have the variety of Iris's in the yard  I'm having

Happy Mother's Day

Hope all you Moms out there had a good Mother's Day Mine was and I made myself some flowers. This is a free pattern at Annie Design Crochet She has another flower pattern I've used too. These are about 3" but if you were to use DK they would be larger. Last year I had purchased this box of assorted sock weight yarn at Hobby Lobby. Cutest little skeins.  So this evening I worked on making a few flowers that will go in the car as spring/summer deco. Been a very enjoyable day. Before we went out to lunch with my Mom and Dad I was able to warp the loom with cotton thread for the latest project. I'm going to attempt a rag rug. Another stash buster sort of. Tomorrow I'll wash and cut the fabric to use. Till next time  Linking up with Kathy