I have the first of 4, of the Ruby's Gardens done and the fabric picked out for the next one. It has been so stinking hot that I do not dare go outside after I come in from working in the garden. By then I am heated and tired and just want to hibernate inside. I had no intentions to work in the garden this morning seeing how it was near 80 at 7:00, other than watering the new seeds planted but this one bed has been driving me nuts since I've been home. My garden and that beds looked like this 6 weeks ago before I left As you can see I had planted cabbage in this bed. Now my garden looks like a jungle. I made it through only weeding half the bed before I got overheated. I wanted to get it all gone but it was just too hot and this was before 9:00. I just can't work out in this heat like I use to. I had harvested 5 heads cabbage and meant to get to the others before the rain hit last week. But I put it off and now...