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Hey it’s Summer

  Wow has it been hot here these past few weeks. Yucky…… I don’t know about you but I’m a cool weather girl, me and heat struggle to be together. I’m getting more like myself in all ways these days which means I’m can tolerate some humidity but still limits my time to be outside and active. Which means I have been doing more inside.  Since I haven’t posted anything since March, it’s about time I do. Since the last post I have had a few quilts machined quilted and have been working on bindings. The Peace quilt has been finished and given to its new owner. Turned out so cool. Love it. It will be loved and used Then another quilt that was in the group of tops that were quilted is from Laundry Basket . This one I had finished a few years ago and it’s nice to be now working on the binding.  Here it is being trimmed up to have the binding attached which is what I am in the process of doing  This quilt is for me and will be another addition to my Christmas quilts collection...

March 17th

  Here he is, ready to celebrate St Patrick Day I so enjoyed getting creative with this months gnome. Luckily I had all the colors needed, if I hadn’t I would of had to of thought of something else. You can find patterns for gnomes on Sarah Schari website  Imagined Landscape Hope your day provided many blessings  Till next time Kat

Whats Up....... Quilting

I know that for what little I've posted so far this year it's been mainly all about knitting.  For over a year now I've done very little quilting and that was what for years was my main creative outlet. I've been going through a drought and just had no interest or motivation but it seems as thought a switch has been turned on and now I can't stop thinking about what I want to work on.  Last year I started the 2 1/2 strip PEACE in PIECES quilt by J Michelle Watts. At the start of this year I had only 1/3 done. This isn't a difficult pattern, just one that takes time because I found that I needed to focus on a row at a time. A lot of that could be I was still struggling with being able to comprehend it all. But as time has past, my mind is more clear and focused. The doctor told me at my last visit it takes about a year for the chemo to clear out of my body. It's been a year now and I can tell a difference. There is some truth to that. I can no...

Howdy All

Howdy!!!!  It's been a while again since I last wrote and for not doing much, a lot has occurred. Last month my daughter went and had a surgery which cancer was detected, o varian  cancer.  Not was I had (endometrial) but then I was told the type of cancer I had was not genetic. Fortunately the type she had does not spread and they had taken her ovaries and the cancer with it. What a great relief, I did not want her to have to through what I had. So pretty much of January and first couple of weeks of February I was focusing on my daughter and some self care for myself. 🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄 Today I started this post above the end of February, the 26th actually and now being March 13, it’s only obvious that I never did finish it or post. In the last three weeks since then I’ve had a birthday, I’m happy to have birthdays even though it means I’m a year younger. I had a few appointments and some family come visit, so these past three weeks ...

Knitting projects wip’s

  The last post I wrote, had on the “things to do” for this week. I had down to work on a batch of wip’s that are stored right next to my chair at sit at while in the living room.  I’m feeling like I’m being taken over by projects bags. Had 6 bags of started projects, most of them are very close to being completed. Laying these out you can see just much I’ve done already.  Out of the 6 items I’ve decided I’m not wanting to finish #6.  I’m just not feeling it for this shawl and I could use the yarn for another pattern           So Monday night I went ahead and frogged it. Then the Mitts #4 they were done and need to have the thread tails woven in  ✅         The weather has turned bitter cold and these will be used often in                      the near future.                              Th...

What’s up 2022

  I had intended to write before this but a lot have happened since then.  First thing was Christmas Eve we had a water leak in the kitchen and couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. So we were not able to fix it and needed to just turn the water off to the house.  We have a well and creek so we had water for the toilet and drinking. Being Christmas there was no way we were going to find a plumber let alone be able to pay what someone would want. Finally Tuesday, 4 days later we had water inside again. We were also supposed to have 2 of my daughter’s come last weekend for a late Christmas but decided to reschedule for a couple months from now. I went through emotional up and down for a week.  Have to say the house looks good.  Thank goodness I didn’t do a lot of holiday baking before hand. “The Man of the Place” birthday was the 31st. We never go out because he doesn’t like to on his birthday. The first day of the new year I was able to spend time with fe...

Day 23. Just a day away

Excitement  Hard to believe Christmas is just a day away.  I wasn’t able to post last night because we had FaceTime with my daughters family. An early Christmas celebration because she has to work this weekend.     They opened their gifts and we had a good long visit.  Today was one of keeping busy. My oldest and youngest daughter will be here next week so there is a lot preparation to be done. Did get a little time working on the Piece quilt.  Doesn’t look like much right now but I can start to see the top of the symbol. Here are today and yesterday’s advents Only one day left on the calendar. Today I received a Bio Compression and a  leg sleeve. The person shown me how to use it, which I did this evening. I only need to do the right leg because that is the one which has the Lymphedema. Feels very good on my leg, a massage is what I get. This stimulates the lymphatic system in leg so is help with the fluid removal. I need to do this at least 4-5 days ...