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My Ginger Bread Quilt

This is my entry to the Christmas Quilt Show at Sew Cal Gal blog The Ginger Bread Quilt was designed by Marilyn McSpadden of Kansas. She also designed the Snowman  Quilt I just finished putting together. Here's a picture of hers that I just fell in love with. As you can see she  started with just 9 blocks but when she made the pattern for her friend Pam at Sager Creek Quilt Shop she added 3 more so it could be a BOM. The quilt measures 36" x 48", perfect Christmas wall hanging for in the dining room. I planned on quilting it myself but as you can see I haven't gotten to that yet and I'm not sure if I will before Christmas. It might have to go up as-is.  Which is still cute if you ask me. This was  the first block and Marilyn had done her in a button hole stitch and it looked good but I wanted to see what it would look like in a satin stitch. I really liked  the look. I do most of my appliqueing by hand but there are times I do it on

Purple Haze

That is what I have been seeing these past couple of days. I've been working on the Purple Sugar Twist Quilt  I made mine bigger (of course) so it takes 90 blocks compared to the one offered in the pattern (36) I can say that I am finished with that part. It wasn't a hard block to make and it went quickly. It only took 2.5" strips cut to 3 different lenths.  Had to sew a background 2.5" square to the ends of each color piece in the block and then would sew an additional square to the end like so.   Then take that piece and sew it to the other color strip, so on and so on until all strips are sewn together. Each block used 2 different fabrics. I used 20 different purples, plus the background.  As you can see there is only six strips involved in each block.  Looks like this when completed. Trim, but need to take care and leave a 1/4" from each point. The block was suppose to be 6 1/4" x 9 1/4" but mi

Santa Came Already

Christmas is already on the way here in Oklahoma, at least  it has for me. My Secret Santa left me a package at the post office. You want to see!!! OK I'll show you. Isn't that a pretty flower, looks like a lot of fabric went into it What,  you want to see more, love to oblige. I just love my bag. She picked a few things I love and represented them on it. My chickens and gardening. I don't think she knew this but I seem to have a lot of bags. I putin them my projects, knitting and at times my piecework. But that wasn't all, I love to read and she sent me a book that  she had written. How cool is that. Thank you very much, my Secret Santa. P.S. There were some Almond Joy bars in the bag too, but somehow they didn't make it in the pictures. Till next time Kat =^..^= P.S. Blog Hop Party is going on and I one of the many who is particapating with a giveaway but I also a personal giveaway posted the da

Many Blessings to you

I want to wish you a great Thanksgiving and that you eat until your stuffed and if you are traveling, that you're safe. Kathleen

Making Progress

I am so excited that I am finally finished appliqueing on this piece. Now its on to doing the embroidery on it. There will be a lot of stitching to be done. This afternoon I marked where needed.   I used a water erasable marker, I like the Fine Marker-Blue  Chako Ace  pen. I have had very good luck with it washing out of the fabric.  Now there will also be stitching on each of the leaves but didn't bother to mark. I can probably just wing it.   When I was on the bus trip last month there was a shop that carried Cosmos Floss. No one around here  sells this thread so I'm looking forward to stitching with it. I have heard that it is so smooth and leaves a beautiful stitch. I'll let you know what I  think about it. I have 2 variegated skeins.  I'll use on the right for the leaves and the other one I'll use on the stems (left). Now if I wasn't trying to do so many different projects at the same time and just stick to one, I could have this

Trugging along

I have been working on some more of BB CWBOW, and when I went on her blog today to do another block I notice, not knowing when she had posted it, that she is going to leave her Civil War blog up until April so us who are behind can get caught up. Now I really didn't need to hear that. I can procrastinate and heaven know that is just to tempting. I'm going to pretend I didn't read that.  I did my quota of 10 blocks for last week and 3 blocks done for this week.  I notice that it seems like I can spend  just as much time picking out the fabric as it take to make the block. But there's so much involved, I'm trying not to use the same fabric more than once. There will come a time I'll need to but it's a challenge to see if can get away with using all the fabric just once. #17 Comfort Quilt    #3 Seven Sisters  #12 Louisiana  #8 Cotton Boll  I'm really feeling good about each one I get done. I'm almost done with a 1/4 on

Pumpkin Pie in a Mason Jar

Today at church I had a thought come to me and unfortunately it wasn't  how to bring peace to the world.  We have singles who do not have family, are away from their family or have no plans for Thanksgiving, so I thought what about giving them a pie, pumpkin pie seeing how it's the pie of choice. But I was thinking a regular pie is just too much for one person. Then came the light bulb moment, why can't I make a pumpkin pie in a jar like I did with the cherry pie. That's what I did this afternoon, baked pies  I maded them basically the same way I did the other pies. I did buy pre-made pie crust dough and a can (15oz) of pumpkin and just made up the filling like do any other time I make this pie. I'm adding a little more info:  The jars I used are half-pint, wide-mouth Ball canning jars. That way you know they can take the heat of the oven. And if you do not have a pumpkin pie recipe, the one on the label of Libby canned pumpkin is a good recipe. Also I