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Let's ring in the New Year

I have been reading other blogs that I follow and the sentiments expressed and wonder what I could expressed to you . I have had many thoughts come to mind. Looking back on this past 12 months and it has gone by too fast but with lots of firsts. For my age (50-ish) its takes more to be firsts. I can think of 3 and the greatest first is the fact I'm going to be a Grandma and not just one but twins. Next on the list is becoming a part of this blogdom. I would of never thought of myself as someone who could. Another is meeting new friends through this blog that are from all over the world. I have been so use to just my little world here on the farm and outlaid area. It has been a good year and I would like to wish you a Healthy, Safe, and better New Year than the last. Kathleen

Egg-Special Day

I was so excited to see these today. You see "the girls" have just not been laying these past couple of months Between them going through a molting period, then the change in the weather by getting cooler or I should say down right cold here for a while.  They we're not happy. And then there is the shorter daylight hours but we are heading in the other direction now. I have for the pass couple of months just getting an egg a day and that is pathetic for having 26 hens. Because they have not  been laying, it did not alter their appetite any. Little piglets. I would like to share a really fun and educational site I just find so amusing.  Its Terry Golson   Hen Cam and that is exactly what it is a camera that is in the hen house/yard. Great site for kids, big and small. She also has a blog that she gives excellent advise on raising chickens. I going to put a button on my sidebar that you can use anytime. Now if the other 22 hens get busy, I'll be back i

So Disappointed

Today I received my Christmas present via FedEx. You see I was given a new laptop from "the man of the place". I was so excited to see it come, sometime I just find it hard to wait. But I did and now it was time to retire this one It was a good computer and I have spent a lot of hours on it. But it just does not run very well, slow and then it also has been not responding way too much.   Then there is the issue of the cord, it's so worn that it will fall out so I got some of the great stuff, "Duct Tape" but doesn't it look terrible. So I have a new Dell Sort of, I do and then I don't. Isn't it pretty, has a bigger screen and way so much more power and memory But It's damaged. That little black piece on the paper is the piece thats broken and unfortunately the other half is inside the laptop. All I can do is just look at it. I guess I could try it out but I would be afraid I would really mess it up and I woul

Bad Cows

The " man of the place" decided that since our pasture are being grazed down and he is trying to stretch as much out of them as he can before we have to start putting out hay. He figure that for one last time  he was going to let them graze our house yard. Now this is not the first time and I had put up with his idea of   mowing . (past post)   That time it was just a few of the older cows, they are slow and not so curious. But this time it was the first time mothers (2yrs old) Like last time I can put up with the spots of natural fertilizer, that goes away with rain and snow. I will barely tolerate them pruning my monkey grass. It was looking good and would of all winter, but I tell myself it will grow back. Then there is that phrase "they are worse than kids", well that is what young heifers are. Kids at least most of the time listen and are not 1200 lbs. of stubbornness. This one found the broom on the porch and started eating it. I

Apology needed

Now that the rushing around for Christmas is over I took time to look at my blog and realized that I had not finish telling how to go about getting the border on the Christmas Plaid String Quilt. I was going to change my quilt so I didn't finish it, so I put it off to the side to worked on things for Christmas. One thing led the another but here's where I owe an apology for leaving anyone who was working on theirs and had to finish on their own. The pattern called for an inner border of 1.5" and outer border 4.5" Looks good but I had a lot of end pieces left from cutting the triangles from strip sets, you will/or would of also. So I thought instead of adding more to my scrap pile (which if you remember)  is huge. I decided I would cut from my leftovers the  4.5" pieces for the outer border.  Like so. This is my pile of end pieces So I trimmed the end off and then measured 4.5' and cut. But the one on the end did not quite make i

Have A Very Merry Christmas

From all of us here on the farm in Oklahoma, wishing you the very best for Christmas. See you after Christmas. Kathleen

Oh My, What am I Going to do

Oh my, I just received this email from Sentimental Stitches and she had posted about a new mystery quilt she is going to start in January along with Brenda P (Dear Jane). I just love the idea they are going to do. It iwill be  a 2 color quilt. Can get no better than that. The idea was inspired by Red and White exhibit  of Joanna Sernel Rose's collection of quilts this past year in New York  I so wanted to go see that exhibit and was unable to. All the pictures I have seen are just amazing.and make me drool, need a bib each time I look.  And now there is an app I just came across a couple of days ago you can put on you iPhone or ipad or android. On Gay's new blog you will find the links to download, plus they are free (at least the iPhone was, I don't know about the others). You need to get it, it's just wonderful. Inspiration any time, like when your sitting waiting why not look at some quilts . I really need to curb my enthusiasm, I have just gotten done