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Showing posts with the label something new

Little stuff for Christmas

It is the season for giving and receiving. These bags are for gifts, but I did not make all of them. I made the one on the right.  The bags were a cinch to make and the cutest little things. I made mine for my step mother who's birthday was yesterday. Her bag is 7x3x3 and big enough  that she could put her crochet needles in it. The one in front on the left is only 4x2x2. There are 4 sizes and will make great gifts. Can use scrap fabric cause it calls a fat quarter but you do not use but a portion of it. This  pattern is called "A Little Duffle Do It" by Karen West at The little pin cushion was a gift I received form a friend in the 30's club. Liz is known for excellent work in small quilts and this little block is 3". Just look at those nice points. I just love it. These make lovely gifts also. Kat

Santa Came Already

Christmas is already on the way here in Oklahoma, at least  it has for me. My Secret Santa left me a package at the post office. You want to see!!! OK I'll show you. Isn't that a pretty flower, looks like a lot of fabric went into it What,  you want to see more, love to oblige. I just love my bag. She picked a few things I love and represented them on it. My chickens and gardening. I don't think she knew this but I seem to have a lot of bags. I putin them my projects, knitting and at times my piecework. But that wasn't all, I love to read and she sent me a book that  she had written. How cool is that. Thank you very much, my Secret Santa. P.S. There were some Almond Joy bars in the bag too, but somehow they didn't make it in the pictures. Till next time Kat =^..^= P.S. Blog Hop Party is going on and I one of the many who is particapating with a giveaway but I also a personal giveaway posted the da

National Corduroy Day

This day has so many recognitions attached to it 11/11/11 U.S. Veteran's Day and National Corduroy Day First and for most Thank a Veteran for their time served to our country. Then I want to show my corduroy quilt. This is a quilt that came from "the of the place" family. Not sure who made it since his mother past away and that is when we received it. There was no label or anything to say who made it. (we need to label our quilts!!!) It is so soft. I'm guessing used and washed many times. I love the simple bar pattern used. Batting is very thick, probably a Poly bat. Tied with red acrylic yarn about every 4". The back is done in flannel, again so soft. The colors are not what I would of expected to see from "the man of the place" family. You see it was a house of men except his mom. I became aware of this day from reading Deb Rowden"s Blog . I just love her blog. And that is where I saw this link. Now

I love gifts

Yesterday when I went to the Post Office I had a package from Australia there in my box.. You see a couple of months ago I signed up for my first time, a swap. It was Sandy's Cookie and Creams Scissor Keeper Swap and my partner was Deb  at Frog Cottage Designs.  I was so happy and excited to see what she had made. I just love it and it's going in my sewing basket I keep next to my chair in the living room. A big THANK YOU Deb........... I will always remember this. I wish I would of taken a picture of the one I sent her. Wasn't thinking ahead.  IT MIGHT BE ALL THIS SHAKING GOING ON HERE WITH EARTHQUAKES. I have felt more here in Oklahoma lately than I had the 36 years I lived in California. What's up with that!!!! Rattle and Roll =^..^=

A Big Thank You

Look what came in the mail today from Deborah at dandelion house . I won a giveaway a couple of  weeks ago and these are the cards I won. These are very lovely, Thank you. I just love fall and I'm not sure if I can part with these Till next time Kat =^..^=

How to Videos of Embroidery Stitches

I love to embroider.  Embroidery was one of the needlework's that my mother did and she taught me how, oh so many years ago. The fact that I can put the two things I love to do together, quilting and embroidery is a must. So I pulled out a few things I've done or I am working on to share.  a White Birches pattern  This a Bareroot pattern   What I love do also is to put embroidery with my applique pieces This is a P3 Design So if this is your thing too, I think you would like what I came across. It's this website called Needle n Thread and she has made some very well done videos to show you how to make a large variety of stitches. If you do embroider or want to learn how, this is a must see site. I like it so much that I'm going to keep a link to on my blog, so if you like to go back to anytime, you'll find it here. Till next time Kat =^.

A Giveaway

I do not usually do this but I thought this one is just something I needed to pass along. Perri over at stitches from the bush The giveaway prize ... - 'I'm Charmed, I'm Sure' Table Runner pattern - Rouenneries Deux Charm Pack (new FG range due out in January next year) - 70cm of Oyster FG fabric (for stitching on) - 30cm of Rouge FG fabric (for binding) - and 1 reel of Cosmo Multi Work Thread (88m of 2 stranded threads ... no having to devise skeins)   So check it out and put yourself in the pool to win. Wish you luck Kat

Baking Pies in Mason Jars

Now I knew about baking cakes and bread in canning jars but I just hadn't heard about pies. When doing a google search I found an entry as early as 2007. Well on Martha yesterday she had the author of "Cutie Pies" on to make a couple of her recipes from her book. So I just had to try this, you see that is one thing I have a good quantity of, canning jars.  I did not bake her recipe because it did not sound like something I might like and I wasn't doing to make a special trip to town just to get stuff for a pie. So I dug through my pantry and found some cherry pie filling, so it's cherry pies tonight. Now this is "the man of the place" favorite pie and I can't wait to see his expression when he is served one of these. Plus one apple for me. That's the first picture. From what I could find out you can use any pie recipe you have. You will need the wide mouth 1/2 pint canning jars And your pie crust recipe or you could just get the s

Something New an Online BOM

I have found patterns that were published once a month online and I am trying the Crumb's thing but this is the first time for online BOM and I wasn't sure what this would be like.  So far it is easy. The block that has been chosen is a simple block and your color choices are what is going to make this interesting. Here is my version of the block This is a block that goes by the name Crockett Cabin Quilt - Marshall ( 1123a) in Barbara Brackman, Encyclopedia Of Pieced Quilt Patterns. If you change some squares to a different color or fabric it can be called by another name. Now I'm using fabric from my stash, this is mainly why I'm doing this, it is to use up fabric from my stash. So I have a large piece (2yd.) for background and then I have 2 charm packs,  Acorn Hallow by Kathy Schmitz LLC for Moda. I guess with it feeling like fall here in NE Oklahoma I  just had to pick fabric colors to go with how I feel. I love fall, it is my favorite time of year

Itsy Bitsy

At the retreat that I attended a couple of weekends ago I was sitting next to a friend of mine, Liz E. She was working on a small quilt, which is not unusual for her because that is what she mainly make. If you have never made a small quilt don't let anyone tell you it doesn't take as long as a large quilt. It can and sometimes longer. So this is the quilt she was working on that weekend.  I asked Liz to tell about her quilt and this is what she has to say about it.  The United We Stand is a small quilt probably made in response to 9-11. The pattern was from Miniature Quilt Magazine from their Miniature of the Heart contest that the magazine ran each year. It was in #65 issue-May 2003 and was made by Susan Holman. The block is 1.5 inch by 2 inch. It will measure about 16 inches by 16 inches square. Now I not sure if you can see from this picture that in between the people blocks she used fabric that has the Pledge of  Allegiance written on it. Till next time

yeppe I can start

It came and I have my fabric picked and now I just have to decide what I will use as the border fabric. This is the fabric I picked, it is the Adelaide collection by Michelle Hill. Like I mention I have to decide what will take the place of the red dot fabric. I was thinking maybe one of these Or maybe one of these, just do not know yet I said I was going to make this my winter project, so you could say I have a little time but I am so excited I'm not sure I can wait. I am suppose to be getting issue 2 and 3 also but I heard they are waiting for a shipment. I was able to get the magazine from the shop Buggy Barn, which I was surprised, it's not really what I think of them having. Not their style but I glad they do. Till next time Kat =^..^=

Patiently Waiting

I have been fascinated with this new Australian magazine Vignette by  Leanne Beasley. I have been reading about it and seeing projects from it, like the mystery quilt she has going. I have ask around at various quilt shops and no one knew anything about it. Then I looked it up on internet as to where to order, for a while there I could only locate distributors out of the U.S. and that meant outrageous shipping fees. Then I came across the Vignette in Stitches Blog   and from there was the link to Leanne's blog  where I found stores in the U.S. that carry the magazine. If you haven't seen or heard of it, it has been out for months now and issue four is being released. So being able to get the first 3 issue is part of the challenge. I did and now I am just waiting for them. I love to embroider and the mystery quilt is a combination of pieced blocks and embroidered blocks. When it comes I'll know more about fabric requirements, then I can start going through my stash. I plan

Why Quilts Matter on PBS

Today I was checking my email and I had received this message from a guild I belong to. It is about a documentary on quilts that will be aired this fall called why quilts matter  . Check out the trailer if you haven't seen it yet.  Sounds interesting to me and I'll be looking for it on my PBS channel.

Mr Groundhog's cousin

The Prairie Dog I forgot to show you this in my last post. They are so cute but I bet they have their own falsies too. This was the picture I was able to take with phone camera. There was a whole colony of them but could not get a good zoom shot. They really do bark like little dogs and they have short tails they wag. Reminded me of squirrels. Found this cartoon on another blog, thought it was cute.

A short note

This is just a short post because it's late and we have been driving all day. I'm in Loveland Colorado for the Rocky Mountain Quilt Festival. This is the first time for me and I am looking forward to what the show will be like. If allowed I will have pictures tomorrow. Right now I am using my friends computer so I do not have access to my picture I took today I have always loved being in this part of Colorado. We plan on taking time to go to Estes Park. Now that is a gorgeous place. Will not have time to do any of the hikes but will have to get out and walk some in the park. Till next time Kat =^..^= 

My stitch group

I belong to a very special group of ladies and feel very blessed to have them in my life. It's been such a pleasure to just sit and stitch every Thursday when  possible. Each one has given me so much more than I could ever had expected. We all share the love for applique and antique quilts but than each one of  us is so different, that's what make the group so special. While walking this morning I was thinking about what I was going to write about  the items  that Pam brought to the group the other day. You see about 6 years ago her mother had passed away and she has some of her mothers items and clothing. It's something I believe happens often. I can not speak from experience since I have still have my parents here with us but have seen others go through this. Well Pam is having a family reunion coming up so she had decide to make something for her sister and nieces from some of theirs mother items so she use a tablecloth and a dress. she went online to find a pattern