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Oh February,

Here it is the end of the month and I have more finishes than I thought. The latest two finishes are totally done. Scandinavian Christmas is quilted and binding on. Here are a group of pictures. I just think this backing is perfect. The other finish is what I called my travel project. This knitted shawl stayed in a bag out in the car. And has for about 3 years, but now it's done... YEAH Finish size is 26" x 66" RSC for February Plans are to machine quilt it in March. Then I finally finish the last of the RSC from 2015. Call this one Splash of Color , even thou I believe the pattern does have a name, just can't remember. Did finish a crochet baby blanket made from yarn in my stash Feels very good to have finishes. I hope you too had a productive month. Ready for March? Sunset this evening, lovely colors

What's Up 2-26-18

Just now as I was writing the title it's hard to believe it's 2018,  I realize that it is 2018 but I still feel sometimes like it shouldn't. Oh well that's life. Friday after I finished Splash of Color , needed to figure out whats next so went to the stack of UFOs Decided on Dreamy Hexagon. this is where I left off. Had the center finished and was going to start on the borders. First one easy peasy as you can see  Next border is square in a square. Well I couldn't start on these until Sunday. I spent Saturday morning helping the "Man of the Place" and then another couple of hours trying to find the "square 2" ruler. Couldn't find it anywhere so I ended up driving to Sager Creek and purchasing a new and bigger one. The one I have goes up to 6" square but the larger one will go up to a 12" block. These are 4' finished blocks and needed 36 of them. Cut and started chain piecing yesterd...

Splash of Color Done

Well the border is on. It looks like I imagined. Like it Ended up being 65" x 72" Now that is more twin size Outside my window I can see out in the pasture where there is a carcass of a feral pig. We left it there seeing how we have no cattle in that pasture and we know that there are Bald Eagles around. I've been seeing up to 3, a mature eagle and 2 juveniles, But today the were 5 eagles. That's the most at one time. There were 2 adults and 3 juveniles.    Sorry about the poor quality but it is about 200 yards from the house and taken with my IPad. They are such big magnificent birds. A true pleasure to watch and feel so lucky to be able to observe them.  Really need to charge the digital camera, maybe could get a better shot.

Splash of Color

Yesterday was the first day this week so far that I haven't  had to go somewhere, thank goodness because we had bad weather that gave us a light covering of ice. Good day to be inside and today will be another. Besides cleaning and prepping more scraps. I decided to work on the last RSC from 2015. Needed to just make another half block and arrange them to my liking. Easy sewing....... Like the look but just not big enough, before border 53" x 60". First thing a separating strip of the background fabric of 2 1/2" Then came what to do next. Thought about a piano strip or a brick stacked border. But I just felt it would be too much for this pattern, so much color I think would draw my eye that way. But I also thought just a plain border was not the way to either. Played around and this is what I decided on. Have mainly a plain border with sprinkle of the leftover color units. Today I will ...

Friday Finish

Boy this week went by so fast and a very busy one at it too. Mom has been getting stronger and lungs sound good. Her new medication has remove a good 10 pounds of fluid. Maybe she can now get back to doing more for longer, I mean keep her out of the hospital. I did finish the crochet baby blanket during this last time of hospital stay. Ran out of the white yarn so that decided how big it became. You can not tell by the picture that it is big enough, even thou it's rectangle instead more square. After I finished this I started another blanket but it's not a baby. Hoping it will be big enough to put on a twin bed. I'm using again yarn I had in my stash which means I'm taking a chance that there will not be enough yarn for the size I'm trying for. This is what I have left  Right now it measures 40" x 69" It's a ripple pattern all in double crochet. This one is too big to take now to Doctor visits. ...

What's Up 2-15-18

It's been too long I feel since I shared what's up on the design wall.  I have been taking a few pictures the past couple of weeks thinking I would have these posted before now, so here is a progression of what I've had up. The first of the month I did put a border on the spool wall hanging but I haven't decided what to applique on the borders. Then after organizing my cut up scraps   You can see that the bottom shelf's that there are 4 tubs of 2 1/2" strips, I have been looking for patterns to make so I can use them up Came across this pattern that I like I figure the is a good 15 min pattern too. Very simple and can be stop and started easily. Then this what my wall looked like earlier this week.     This cute bear baby quilt was this month RSC.  Made all from scraps from the large tub. I am going to add lollipops to the tummy to look like the Sharing Care Bear.