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Update on Laundry soap

I forgot to mention yesterday something about this soap. It is safe for your front loading machine. I have one and because it is a low suds detergent that makes it OK. There is  a recipe for powder detergent out there and again just google or you could try a website I go to and from there you are linked to other sites, it is   money saving queen .  It is a local site but there are many ideals and recipes you can use anywhere. If you are into saving with coupons that is one of her speciality. Oh ya, I forgot to mention it works well on your cats. They come out of the dryer just so white and fluffy. Plus they smell April fresh.  That is my cat Pete (short for Pistil Pete) He has a thing for jumping into the dryer when I am trying to get the clothes out. Then he'll get in the laundry basket. He doesn't care if you cover him in clothes. Goofy cat  and of course just kidding about washing him. Thou there are times I would like to. He'll go out, find a spot of dirt and rol

Homemade Laundry Soap

I had to make a new batch the other day and thought maybe you would like to try it. It is easy, a money saver and a good detergent. For just pennies a load my clothes are clean and softer than name brand detergent. ( FYI - I have hard water) I have been making my own for a year now and do not see any difference than using a name brand detergent. It takes only 3 ingredients. They are Borax, Washing Soda and Fels-Naptha (a heavy duty laundry bar soap). If you cannot find that bar soap I had read you can use Ivory bar soap. You will need; 1/3 bar of fels-naptha 1/2 cup borax 1/2 cup washing soda 2 gallon bucket You will need to grate the soap. Can use a hand grater or food processor In a pot add 6 cups of water and the grated soap. Heat until soap is dissolved. Measure out the borax and washing soda. I just put them together in one cup. Add to the pot and stir until the borax and washing soda is dissolved. If it is boiling, turn off heat once dissolved. In the bucket you wil

Knitting Gift

I was playing cards this afternoon with my parents and my Great Aunt Jane. We try to get together on occasion and do this. My parents are in there 70's and my aunt is 81 so this an activity they enjoy. I think it help keep their minds sharp. We play Hands and Feets. Well today my aunt surprised me with a gift. You see I will knit while the others are playing theirs hands, so she knows how much I love to knit. Knitting was the first needlecraft I learned when I was 8 years old. She gave  me a Jordana Paige  needle case.  Isn't this the cutest needle holder. I have seen these before and was tempted to purchase one but decided to get one of her bags instead. She has some really nice bags to hold you project along with the stuff you put in your purse. What 's neat is the chart on the otherside for keeping a record of what needles you have. Now I need to go through my needles and record them before I put them in storage. Till next time Kat =^..^=

Purple Quilt Progress

For Friday Night Sew In I worked on the purple sugar twist quilt. I made 26 blocks and was in the process of 18 more when I ran out of the light lavender fabric. I had asked for some to be order. So now I just have to wait for the order to come. I have 25 made before this and I figures I will need 88 to make a queen size. Just a few more. Then last week I also made another snowman block. this one is really cute. If you interested in making this Snowman quilt it is available through Sager Creek Quilts  Till next time Kat =^..^=

Goodbye there Mr. Groundhog

photo courtesy of website I just love this picture, he is waving goodbye.  OK, so I taken some liberties, my groundhog wasn't really waving at me. I should say that he was very unhappy with me. It has been a big, no biggest challenge I have had to deal with in the garden in quite a few years. Now the heat is one thing but this groundhog. Well, you know he is very good at what he does.  EAT AND EAT A LOT I put my live trap in the garden in a couple of different spots, no luck. Then I put it by his hole, no luck. Then I took the hose, stuck it down his hole and thought I would flood him out. I must of ran that water for 40 minutes and it never overflowed. Heaven knows how deep that hole went. So I tried the trap one more time in the garden. Well I am so happy to say that he will not be eating out of my garden no more. It took some persistence on my part but  it paid off. But I need to let you know that each time I set the trap I did get something, just

Friday Night Sew In

I came across this on . This site view hundreds of posts a day. Every time I  post I'm on there. Any hoot, Heidi has a blog and once a month they have a virtual party. All are invited and in the comfort of your own home, you sew till your heart is content. Then everyone posts their pictures the next day. This will be my first time and I'll let you know what I did. Maybe you'll give it a try. Still time to sign up. Leave me a comment if you do sign up and that way I can see what you did  also. I'm off to see what I can work on.  I need to get caught up on a few things.  We'll see Till next time Kat =^..^=

Pictures around the farm

Just a few pictures of the old homestead These Pholx's are covered in black butterflies but you can not see them all in the picture                                                            I am so waiting for my first ripe tomato. Very late this year To the cows, this is their ice cream truck. Oh, just a sweet picture of "the girls" Pete does not care for the chickens. He'll just find a new spot to go to. Shankopotamus wants to drive the tractor, but first he has to figure out how to get in. If you were raised or live on a farm, nothing smells as sweet as fresh cut hay.