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Summer means Ice Tea

Summertime, Summertime . Here in the Northern Hemisphere we had our summer solstice, I know in the Southern Hemisphere it's your winter solstice.   ( I love winter ) Being summer here means ice tea time, some love it all year but I'm one who drink it mostly in the summer. Sun tea is the way I usually make my ice tea and have for more years than I can remember. For those of you who haven't made this, what I do is use a gallon glass jar, add cold water and I use 8-10 tea bags (cup bags). Sit it outside in the sun and in about 2 - 4 hours it should be done. Now this is my favorite ice tea but I have been introduced to a herbal tea that has become a new favorite. I don't mind herbal teas but just haven't found one I cared for as an iced tea.  My daughter had this at her place when I went there last month and   everyone was ranting and raving about it. So I had to try it to see what all the hooting was about. Well you know what, it is

Garden Fun

I have been spending most of my morning off in the veggie patch, beside mowing and weeding the flower beds. The wonderful rain we have had the past month and perfect temps makes everything grow like crazy. MOSTLY WEEDS Seems like I had finished the weeding and its all back, need to start all over again.  After some weeding the beds look so good. These two are just a couple of the beds I have. Thought I had taken more pictures but I didn't, need to take some more to share. Here's one success that I shouldn't have to go back to. Had this spot in the back that I haven't planted much in the past because when I would the deer would think I planted a buffet just for them. It gets depressing and costly. I thought I would try again. Before After with some help from the girls At the local store there was a clearance sale and I purchase some  azaleas. Thinking it would be a good one that the deer won't like. We'll see.

Chicken update

I wanted to give a quick chicken update.  Now I hope I'm not jinxing myself by announcing this, but for the past three days I have gotten the number of eggs I have gotten in the past before the egg bandit started attacking the hen house.  "The Man of the Place" put out a trap  Saturday and caught a raccoon during the day time. So I believe we have caught the culprit. Now that I am announcing this, boy I'm hoping that it's true. The girls seem to be delighted in the fact that there's no intruder eating their food or their eggs.  And so am I.  YEA !!!!!!

Home again

After a 15 hour drive yesterday, I'm home again from the Duluth quilt show. The quilts at the show were just beautiful and I enjoyed seeing so much talent in one place. Now that I'm home it's time to unpack.  All of the goodies that I was able to find at the show. When I got home last night it was starting to rain and thunder and I asked the "Man of the Place" if there were any storms while I was gone because when I went to go check my Internet I didn't have any. Sure enough we have had lightning and it blew out my modem and my router. This brief post is coming via my iPhone. So later today after I get out and run errands I need to pick up a new router and modem. And then I'm going to post some of those gorgeous quilts, that have inspired me to get busy on some sewing myself.

Best of Show

Here is the best of show and what a stunning quilt. WOW!!!!!

Duluth Quilt Show

Well the first day has past and so far it has been a great show. BEFORE WE ARE READY NOW So many friendly quilters here and even more just down right gorgeous quilts. This is one of the best hand quilted quilts I have ever seen won best in it's category You can see why. I need to get going for the show, I'll have more later.

Knitting Away

I'm in Minnesota for the quilt show in Duluth this weekend and I had brought along my socks, which I am progressing very well on. I also brought a book that I am so excited about reading and that is Growing Older by Joan Dye Gussow  read more about it here I'm going to make this short because we need to set up our booth and get ready for the show starting tomorrow but I'll let you know more about this later.  I am so excited about this book, I loved her first book that I had read called This Organic Life. If you haven't had a chance to read it, you might want to give it a try if you're a gardener like me.