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My word for this year

 Cheri Gregory Have you noticed the past few years others talking about what their word is for the year or maybe you are doing a word for the year. I had seen others pick and talk about their word last year and thought that was a cool thing and something I wanted to try. But the days got passed me and I didn't pick a word and to be honest I really didn't fully understand the purpose behind it, so it just went by the wayside last year So I thought this year with my new year goals (birthday) I was going to pick a word for myself to work on. I decided I needed to do more focusing,  so focus it is my word. In the process of thinking about what would be my word for this year, I did some research on the Internet to understand more about the purpose behind this one word. When I came across this book called "My One Word".  My One Word I thought okay I'll read this and see if it can give me a little insight to what it's all about. I'

It's Monday and What's up

I can finally say "what's up". I've looked it up and it was almost 3 months ago since the last time I shared what I've been up to. Beside that I have to admit that I am very rusty at writing. I'm not a born writer and it has been a journey for me. It has taken me on the last two posts, over two hours just to write those short post. I would love to have the talent of writing and speed on the keyboard like so many other bloggers have. So bare with me as I get up on this bicycle again.  Today is a very cold day (5 degrees) with a wind chill in the minus degree and a winter wonderland. The only green to be seen is in my morning green drink Part of my new year focus is to be more delegate at getting healthier and to lose this weight that I have gained. For my birthday "the man of the place" gave me a vitamix mixer. My little mixer couldn't handle making smoothies and I have fallen in love with drinking my raw veggies. For me the be

Here we go again

Hopefully this will be the last bout of arctic cold front, the high today was 17 with a wind chill of -3 and  in the morning the wind chill will be around -12.    I did as little as possible outside, tended to the girls. What I ended up doing was working on our taxes and we were able to get them completed and ready to be sent off. And it was a perfect day also for a pot beans and ham, with of course a batch of corn bread. Now that is what I call comfort food. So now it's some TV time, hot chocolate and knitting. I figure I'm undecided and will work on two projects this evening. I have a scarf I started for a friend and do not have much more left. Then the sweaters for the "little dudes" are also close to be being done but doubt if I'll get them completed tonight. The first one is almost completed I need to lengthen the sleeves and sew it up, as you can see I had just pinned it together so I could try it on the boys. Isn'

My New Year

It's my birthday today and as the years have added on, I look at my birthday more as the beginning of a new year then just a day to celebrate my birthday. So as I sit and write this I can only think back over my last year and what direction I hope to see myself in a year from now.  The start of a new year makes me excited about what I can accomplish and the experiences that will happen.  And here in the United States the majority of us have been dealing with a cold long winter, myself included.  Boy am I ready for spring and starting this years growing season. One of my excitements for this new year is to expand my garden space. I want to start my kitchen garden / potager. I just love that word, potager .   Potager Garden  Definition :   (pronunciation: puh ta zhay) a  garden that combines both edible and ornamental plants; a vegetable garden that is utilitarian in nature but designed with beauty in mind; much like an English kitchen garden, but often formal and symmet

A Little Dreaming and Knitting

After having the little dudes all to myself these past couple of weeks, Mommy arrived last night to visit and prepare them for the trip home.  So needless to say Grandma has a little time on her hands to get working on things I had started before they came a month ago. The Whole Seed Catalog is from Baker Creek Farm One is getting back to planning this years veggie garden. I have been going through the seed catalogs I have  received  in the mail, along with  a catalog I  found at  Whole Foods   from the seed company Baker Creek Farm which just happen to be the book written by the founder of that company that I am reading (slowly).  It has been a good read so far, now that is if you enjoy reading about gardening and such. Then for knitting I had made great progress on the sweaters for the boys and it looked like I was going to have them completed before they arrived but I just happen to get the flu and that put me out of commission the week before they came. And

Unplanned Leave of Absents

I had no intentions of being gone from the blogging world for this long. It's been weird cause I so enjoy writing and sharing my little world here in Oklahoma. It started with me trying to get the house in order for my daughter and the grandsons who were coming to visit the 3rd of January. They came and things changed. First they were going to be here for 6 days but that changed to 2 weeks. Boy were we excited since we hadn't seen them in months and Grandpa aka "the man of the place" hadn't in almost a year. Seeing how they live in California and only I have been able to go out there to visit this past year.  Then with a new job and finding a home to purchase, we have had the boys to ourselves while my daughter and her partner take care of it all back in California. But it has been many, many, many years since my kids were 20 months, let alone 2 at the same time. Grandma has been able to keep up with them but boy by the time they go to bed this

Merry Christmas

I realize it's been too long since I last posted and it wasn't something I plan this mini vacation but I did want to take a moment to wish  everyone the best for the holidays. So here's to a very  Merry Christmas  And I'll be writing more soon so thank you for sticking with me during this dry spell I have been in.  I will explain more in the next time I write.