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Scrappy Saturaday

Was able to get these two blocks done to add to the spool blocks. Need to do a little more but until then I will go ahead and share this at So Scrappy Today I was able to spend time with my youngest daughter. We met in Tulsa and went to the Gilcrease Museum to see the showing of  California Impressionism: Selections from The Irvine Museum Granville Redmond California Oaks oil on canvas, 1910 30" x 42" This was one of my favorites,  but before I left I started the process of making Lime Pickles. I had not known of Lime Pickles till I moved to Oklahoma. They are very easy to make and are pretty much fool proof. Start with Mrs. Wages Pickling Lime, soak your cucumber slices in the lime water all day or night Then you rinse, soak in ice water for a few hours and then the vinergar/spice brine overnight and then I'll can them tomorrow. I finished this portion that was in the hoop and now on to another part.

Oh what a beautiful morning

Mother nature decided to give us a taste of fall here in North East Oklahoma the past couple of days. I woke up this morning with the temperature at 60's and you could not ask for any more pleasant weather. So the first thing I did was to get dressed, after my coffee, and go outside to just drink up this beautiful blessing Before I took my walk I decided to check the traps by the chicken house none in that trap but  Lo and behold I have one trapped underneath the birdfeeder by the back porch. Jeez Louise this makes seven in the past four days. I thought they lived in like dens and they would have a certain amount of area that they would consider their feeding grounds. How many can you have that one area? And another thing they must breed like bunnies So after my walk I went out to the garden and did a little more weeding, pick some more veggies, and planted a few seeds for my fall garden. I also took a picture of the dish I mention yesterday t

Potato Harvest

It is meal like tonight is why I work so hard growing my own food.  This morning the weather was perfect and I spent my time out in the garden. With the extreme heat and humidity before the quilt show last week I didn't feel right about starting the fall crops. I believe they would of just burned up, especially seeing how I wouldn't be around to tend to the seeds. So I was out there prepping a bed to plant, when it dawned on me that I hadn't dug the potatoes up. Some of the plants are still green plants, I believe those to be the purple ones. But there were some that had died back I say a month ago and I knew if I didn't dig them up soon they would start sprouting and growing.  Well sure enough as I was digging I came across a couple of new plants. Had a thought.... I have never grown a fall crop of potatoes so I left those plant in the ground and even added some more dirt to give them a good start. Will see what happens, It is the right time to pl


I would like to tell you about the invaders we have in the hen house. First of all we have had many invaders into the hen house. I have written about some on the blog and some were  prior to having a blog. We have had snakes, rodents, possums, dogs, and even a Red tailed Hawk  invade their house. And then there is what they've had to encounter while roaming around looking for bugs and such. We've had bobcats, coyotes, pack of dogs and a chicken hawk.  Our latest invaders to the hen house are twofold. First we've had a groundhog that decided it needed to burrow it's house inside the hen house. hard to see but it's in the far right corner We tried to flush it out with water, which didn't work. So "the Man of the Place" shoveled the dirt back in the hole but it dug it out again. Haven't seen it myself.  Then we had an invasion of raccoon's who pulled the chicken wire (that was securing an opening for ventilation)

Another Zucchini Recipe and Sewing

I'm not sure if I'm boring you with another zucchini recipe or if you are like me and have an abundance of them that you are desperate for many way to use them up beside sharing them with others  So again I went online in search of a cookie that I hadn't made yet and I could send to "the little dudes". So after the Grandpa test, which by the way got 2 thumbs up, I packed them up and sent them priority mail. They should get them Friday along with the kaleidoscopes and Thomas the train cars. Here is the link to the recipe I used. They are moist and not overly sweet, perfect for the boys. Plus I was able to sneak in a little vegetable. I am loving this break from the heat and humidity. We had a cold front move in with some rain. Its 12:00 right now and only 67 outside. Just wonderful. After it stops raining I'm going to spend as much time as I can outside as possible. But until then I'm working on getting more done on the Red Stri

New day

I had written a post yesterday with the intentions of cleaning it up and adding some photos, but my day was so busy I never got around to it. So it's a new day and I will start all over again. I arrived home Sunday evening from the quilt show. I had a lot of fun, I enjoyed it, but from a vendor's point of view it was not a good show. I was inspired by so many beautiful quilt and things I saw. Plus what the other vendors had in their booths, that I was ready to come home and just put the pedal to the metal. But after being gone for almost a week, I had plenty to do around the house before I could get any sewing time. What's up on my design wall is what I left up there from last week which is my red string quilt. I would've liked to of added a block or two yesterday but that didn't happen. I  was out in the garden a little, I needed to pick veggies... seeing how no one had gone out there all week to pick.  And I c

Five on Friday

Yes I know it Saturaday morn but I was so tired by the time we got back to the hotel room that after a shower I just went to bed.  So here are five favorites (not all) from the quilt show.  This is such a good design to use up your stash.  This is a pattern from Sew Vintage, which I love the saying.  Such a cute design, which I ended up buy the book.  This was one of the Hoffman's challenge entries.  And at the end of the day on the way back to our room we had this to admire. Such a gorgeous rainbow.