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I love Sundays. And today have been a good Sunday. "The Man of the Place" took me out for dinner, so that meant no cooking and no cleaning. Yippee The rest of my afternoon and evening will be devoted to handwork. I will quilt some and now that I finish having to remake a template  for the center of the Rocking Road Block.   And a Walking Dead marathon. Yes you read right, these oldies  like The Walking Dead. Have to have one fault Anyway enough of that.  Yesterday didn't do anything other than clean house  yuck... yuck...  but it needed to get done.  Friday tho did start quilting, machine quilting, on a baby quilt. It's one I'm going to give to a new Mommy at church Not being very adventurous, I'm using my walking foot. Should practice with my quilting foot, doing straight lines but thought just because I'm a beginner and don't think I stress myself out too bad and just use a walking fo

My Newest Toy

First of all I want to say I am not promoting this product and getting anything in return for sharing this. I have a non profit blog, it's all me folks. Anyway onto my newest toy. Before I even started the Whole30 I had been trying to find a way to make veggie noodles.. Didn't want to go the grating way. I have bought 2 kinds of hand held style of noodle makers. These were both hard to hold onto and very wasteful.   was able to return this one. So I decided I would spend a little more and try this one. Well it was worth it so far. Here is my first attempt and was very easy to use. With just a little of an end when done. I plan on trying other veggies beside zucchini. I think I found my veggie/fruit noodle maker

Yarn and Books

I have a finish to show and a little progress has been made on the cat cocoon. I did get another child's scarf completed. Using more stashed yarn. It doesn't take much to make this scarf tho. When I was crocheting this, it doesn't irritate the carpal tunnel in my right wrist but if I knit it will. You would think the opposite seeing how I move my wrist more when I crochet. Oh well But I get do a few more row on the cat cocoon and I was going to link the pattern but it is no longer available.  I'm sure hope it will stand up like the picture Now I have been listening a lot to books this month   I have finished 3 books Flash I enjoyed this book. The author had a way of taking a simple event and it make into a teachable moment. I would recommend this if you are looking for a faith based book that is more of a story than a preaching book. The second was a freebie I downloaded from Amazon. I am a big Laura Ingall Wilder fan an

Farmer's Wife blocks

 I was able to work all afternoon working on a set of the Farmer's Wife 1930's. Had two that were paper pieced and being that it's not my favorite way it takes me a while and had two that were pieced. I was able to get those two pieced ones done in the same time it takes me to do one paper pieced. Funny how that works.

What's Up 02.22.16

Boy what a difference a day makes. This past week morning temperatures in the 60s daytime 70. When going out this morning and it's like barely 40, sunny and hardly any wind. So nice for a walk. I have to say the only thing up on my design wall this morning is maybe the back to the "Disappearing Hourglass 2" top. Haven't decided if I want to take the time to piece it together or just save them for scrap. I'm all for just saving them for scrap I'm not one that really likes to piece backs together. I've done it, but I have so much fabric that I can just go ahead and just take what I have to use it for backing. Other than that what I did this weekend with mainly just prep work on some projects I have started already.  I put the printed Transfer Eeze of the cross stitch border for the Scandinavian Christmas on the last block of this wall hanging. I find it so much easier instead of tracing to just go ahead and print on Trans

Friday Finishes

I am able to say that I have something to show I have the tops of the Metro Twist and the  Disappearing Hourglass 2. The Metro Twist was made from 8 fat quarters and  background fabric. Using the Quick Curve Ruler made putting the units together a piece of cake. Measuring 56 x 42 The Disappearing Hourglass 2 is make from scraps that I had from quilts I made for the boys. When together pretty smoothly, it just has a lot of bias sides that you need to be very careful piecing and pressing. It measures 35 x 35 Another baby quilt to be a give away. Then I finished a child's scarf from some stashed yarn. I have a lot of yarn that has been given to me  Linking up to  /crazy mom quilts quilting readers garden a quilted passion confessions of a fabric addict

Working Blues

OK that doesn't sounds quite like that, it's the blue Metro Twist. I finished getting the units sewn and have half of them trimmed. Was able to get the half that was trimmed sewn together. I so wanted to get more done this evening but I was interrupted while locking up the chickens. It was already past sunset by the time I got out to the hen house, I didn't want to stop working on trimming. Anyway I went out there and notice that most of the girls were on the roost and not in the nesting boxes but it is unusually warm, like a spring day. There were 5 on roost I thought, so I looked in the boxes to start counting the others. Figured I check for eggs while I was looking. First one I put my hand in I got a gravel sound, disturb one. Went on to the other boxes and found two more eggs. The girls are starting to lay a decent amount now. Then it dawn on me that I only counted one box occuppied. Well sometimes they will double up in the box. Looked in