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Another cold one

 It was another bitter cold day. The temperature did not get above 19°. I did venture out today though, I needed to go to Sager Creek Quilt shop and drop off the 30s blocks.  I haven't been there in a while so I visited for a few and then came back home. Someone has to keep the fire going.   Wasn't able to get any sewing done but I did prep the next month 30's blocks to start on. I also last night traced what I needed to start my sisters quilt. There are 20  blocks that have appliquéd flowers on them.  I won't be able to hand appliqué due to the carpal tunnel so I'll need to do them on the machine this time.   It will still look very nice when done. I will use 30s reproduction fabric for the flowers and the half square triangles. And the background will be done in Kona snow. This morning when I went out to the henhouse to open up their small door so they can go outside and get water and stretch their legs, one of the old hens did not make it

My day

 Let me tell you what a difference a few days make here in Oklahoma.  They predicted it would get cold and today it hasn't gotten above 23° today. Yesterday I had my haircut and after I had gotten home I started unloading the truck we had that was filled with wood that "the man of the place" had splittin up.  I got pretty much all of it unloaded except for what I could not reach in the middle. Good exercise if you ask me and heaven knows we're going to need it with these cold temperatures were having. Perfect weather for soup and that is what I've been eating for lunch most days for a while. I make a big pot so it last most of the week and so easy to prepare at mid-day. Usually I'm so busy in the morning by noon I'm tired and really don't feel like cooking. The one I made this week is  Crockpot Sweet Potato Soup 4 sweet potatoes  1 onion 4 cloves garlic  28 oz coconut milk (dairy bothers me) 2 cups veggie or chicken brot

My Simple Woman's Daybook I have over the past seen others who had written this Simple Woman's Daybook and enjoyed reading what they had wrote. I liked the concept and what can come from it. So I've decided that this year with the blog I'm going back to what I started with. Writings of more than just quilting. Don't get me wrong, I will continue to share my quilting but I will include more about the farm, other interests, ideas and experiences. One will be the introduction of my monthly Simple Woman's Daybook. So here goes For Today Looking out my window I see a small herd of deer eating corn that we put out there for them. I am thinking about starting my sister's quilt. Would like to give it to her for her birthday this year. I am thankful for so many things but if I had to favor one right now it is a warm fire to heat the house on a bitter cold day. One of my favorite things is to go for a walk on a cold day. I find it ve

Pantry Challenge

Over at  good cheap eats  she has a challenge every January on eating from our pantry. As she puts it is a way after all the overspending we did last month, it's time to save some from spending on groceries. If you go to her blog you'll get more info on how she goes about it with some good tips. I had forgotten about it until I saw her post for today and I have been doing this for 4 years now.  past post Well even tho it's the 2nd day, it's not too late and in a way without trying I have already been doing it seeing how I have been eating what we have on hand. Took a pork roast out for New Years day dinner with sides I already had. I had gone to the store last week so I'm good for a while with milk, eggs and fresh produce. My challenge for is too see how long I can without needing milk, eggs or produce. Go check it out Jessica's blog and her many recipes. Kat =^..^=

2017 Goals

I can't help myself, if I read or hear about what is your goals, and my thoughts start racing with this and that. Plus it just lends itself to being a list, I love lists. So when I came across  Quilting Jet  Girls 2017 Planning Party , it made me to start thinking about what it is I want to see happen in 2017. I have a long list of quilts/projects and one of my goals is to go through that list and really think about whether I want to put the time and effort into that project still. If not I'll put the fabric back into the stash. You see most of the projects on the list are all ready to make, the fabric and pattern are together, set aside. So I'm not going to make a list of quilts this year. Instead I think I'll commit to what I have been somewhat doing and that is to use only what's in my stash and the decided projects that's collected After moving everything for the carpet most of my stash and stuff is in the garage and needs to be used, m

This and That

Today was a lot like most days lately, a little of this and that but today I was able to get in a little bit of sewing.  Did some prepping and cutting on the the last few blocks of Farmers Wife 1930's Sampler. I will ready for this quilt to be finished seeing how it's over a year and half. Decided on a setting I'll use, will be different than the book thou. I realize I didn't take new pictures of the Poinsettia quilt I mentioned yesterday. So here are couple new ones, with the help of Pete. You can see the stain very clearly in this picture. We have been having above normal temps now so I thought I would take advantage of it and do some overdue cleaning up of the lawn. I like to mow up all the fallen leaves and give it it's last mow but with company coming I focused more on the house and not the yard. It will look so nice when done and less of a fire hazard. It's getting close to the last of the y

What's Up 12.26.16

Here it is the last week of December and all I can show is the Poinsettia quilt that I finished the binding on. Now it needs to get washed and hopefully the stains can be removed.  Being that it's an old quilt and stains are ones of age and not a substance. Little nervous because of all the red fabric but we'll give it a try. Want show what I'm excited about and that is my gift that will help me with future quilts. That is my cutter. Haven't gotten to use it yet but I do have plans.