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Getting Excited

This morning I had an appointment to get a bone density test. Seeing how I turned 60, my doctor thought it would be a good time to have my first, a good baseline. So while in Tulsa had lunch with "the Man of the Place" and a trip to Costco. I should of made appointment to get my hair cut I really need to get my hair cut. I had decided I would try my natural color, which is now a lot of grey. My hair grows fast and it was in need of being dyed every 4 weeks and I was getting so tired of doing that. It's been since last October that I last dyed my hair and it's about 4 to 5 inches of grey mix. I'm thinking about getting it cut to the grey. I'll have to take a before and after when I do get it cut. This afternoon I spent some time sewing.    I said yesterday I thought I had made too many nine patches, well again I'm wrong. I still need enough to add to the front stack. Did sew as much I had ready. This is just part of the pil

Unplanned Absents

I had no intentions of being absent for a month, but life happens. Was busy in the beginning of the month getting ready for the grandsons visit and helping Mom get to appointments. The boys were here for 3 weeks and we had so much fun. Hate that it was so hot already, not good for June and is rough on the pastures and cattle. Ben loves to build things and while I was getting in a little sewing he decided that he would use my rulers and rolls of toilet paper to make a secret fortress.  Quite a site.   So cute he was All month  this has been up on the wall I've made 30 blocks and now I'm working on the sashings Since I don't have a pattern I've had to figure this all out. Been a lot of adding more to what I thought I needed Have this portion of the sashing done but ended up over doing it.  Have too many nine patches now. My Goal for the month is to get this top finished. Figure this is plenty to work on

Friday Finish

This was finished the Long and Rocky Road a couple days ago, it's just now getting this all written down. As I had mention before I had started this quilt 22 years ago with many long breaks between working on it. I paper pieced the blocks from scrap fabric left over from my sewing clothing days. Some of the fabric is older than that, up to 40 years old.  And being that it's fabric used for clothing it's not all 100% cotton. It worked out just fine. Ended up being 64 1/2 x 86 1/2 Now I very rarely even piece my backs but this was when I had very stash and leftover blocks I could use. In a way it's like having 2 quilts in one. I tried to center it up to match the front as far as aliening up with the star. Was pretty close, maybe a quarter inch off.  I tried something new at the time for me was colored thread and varied my stitch size. Insides the stars I made my stitches like I have on all my oth

Happy Dance

After 22 years, my Long and Rocky Road is completely quilted Last night I put the last stitch in. Started yesterday morning quilting on the last side of the border I had started this quilt back in 1996,  wow in the last century..... It's been a love hate relationship. I love the look and the fabric used because it is from items I made for my girls and myself. A lot of memories. But I hated the fact that it has taken so long to finish. I would work on it and for longer periods of time put it away. That is why I'll call it my Long and Rocky Road   Today it's time to attach the binding and once that is done I'll wash it. Heaven knows after all these years of toting around how dirty it is. YUCK Now I need to see which quilts are waiting to be quilted. I haven't taken time to think about what next seeing how this one was so time consuming. Wish I had kept track of the time spent making this quilt. Bet there are over a 100


It's been a long week, so glad all went well. I was in Tulsa Tuesday thru Friday with Mom and surgery and recovering is all going well. Being gone to Doctors and Hospital I took handwork with me. Was able to get some of the Hexes for Winterse Hejxes Mystery  Working on weeks 6 - 10 now   Along with some  embroidery works.  I had started this quilt Winter Wonderland at least 5 years ago with this being the largest section to stitch. I think I have 4 other sections completed. These were easy projects to carry with me and do. And any sewing done at home was on Scrappy Nine Patch It has taken over my room Mainly the table area of the quilting machine. I am making good progress The bag on the left was 3/4 filled with a section for the nine patch and now I have only a small amount witch I put into a smaller bag. Unfortunately I did not have enough of the cream color fabric, so before I can start

What's Up 5-14-18

I have two projects up on the wall Been working on the scrappy nine patch and mystery Winterse Hejxes. I've picked out the next fabric for group of hexagons but haven't prepared them yet. Figure I would take them with me tomorrow. Mom has an appt. I had last week finished the binding on this quilt. Pretty windy today, the quilt just didn't want to stay up. Did my best at trying. such a beautiful butterfly. I think its a Black Swallowtail.