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Happy Mother's Day

Hope all you Moms out there had a good Mother's Day Mine was and I made myself some flowers. This is a free pattern at Annie Design Crochet She has another flower pattern I've used too. These are about 3" but if you were to use DK they would be larger. Last year I had purchased this box of assorted sock weight yarn at Hobby Lobby. Cutest little skeins.  So this evening I worked on making a few flowers that will go in the car as spring/summer deco. Been a very enjoyable day. Before we went out to lunch with my Mom and Dad I was able to warp the loom with cotton thread for the latest project. I'm going to attempt a rag rug. Another stash buster sort of. Tomorrow I'll wash and cut the fabric to use. Till next time  Linking up with Kathy

What's Up 5-7-19

Hey there, I have come to realize every time I write after a couple weeks have past I have so much to share that it's just too much to put in one post and as a result, things get left out which never seem to get shared. Today is another one of those times, sorry.   One thing I love about where I live is all the colorful birds. When I lived in California there wasn't so many colors at one time Bluebirds and (the others not pictured) Blue jays,  Cardinals, Goldfinches, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Hummingbirds. These are the ones with the most color and then there are so many more.   Now Orioles. A couple years ago they shown up but would stay for maybe a week. I tried a liquid feeder and that just wasn't enough. I would put oranges out last year and they did like that but still didn't stay around long.  So this year I purchased a new feeder, one that has it all. Even a place for grape jelly, which they seem to love the best. In 4

What's Up 4.23.19

I'm a day late but  I have had a week of no doctor  appointments for my parents and it has given me time to relax and reflect. And the best thing is, there is not another one until the 30th.   The weather here in NE Oklahoma has been beautiful, unusual for us. This is normally severe weather time but the past few years it seem that, that weather has moved east and south.   So Easter Sunday was gorgeous and we went for a hike to see the Dogwoods that are blooming which are spectacular this year. We have a little over 100 acres which 40% is wooded area. We have many springs that feed into the main creek and that is where we went to see the Dogwoods. This part of one of the streams has a deep hole and the color of the water is so blue, my picture does not give it justice. Love this rock that has moss and grass growing on it in the middle of the water. They are so pretty this year.     The lighting around

Spring is Here

Spring is diffidently in the air (pollen) My Christmas cactus has becomed an Easter cactus.    So very delicate and beautiful.    Not only are the cactus blooming but the Redbuds and Dogwoods are also in full bloom right now. I hope to this weekend be able to take a walk around our property to see some of the places where we have a lot of dogwoods growing. The weather is supposed to be very favorable for that and should be a spectacular show of flowers. If I do I'll post pictures.  This past week I have been able to finish the washcloths that I had started weaving a few of weeks ago  After they had came off the loom I needed to sew the ends of each washcloth to make sure it didn't ravel when the cardboard separator was removed.  Next was to trim the raw edges of yarn once the cardboard was removed. Here is a close up of what one side finished looks like. I turned over the edge and stitched it down and the other side i

I'm Ready For Slowly Down

Boy am I ready to slow down some. Started this yesterday Sunday I went to Costco for the first time on a Sunday, usually it's during the week while "the man of the place" is at work. Seeing how thou this past month has been even busier with my parents than it has. Besides all the doctor appointments, 1 -2 a week this month; my dad had one of his knees replaced the first of the month. He is recovering very well, thank goodness. That is mainly due to all the help my sister has been giving him. I have been going over there almost everyday to help my sister besides driving mom. My brother and sister in law were here for a few days also. Now you know why I'm wanting to slow down. Need to say this is no stitching going on right now but do want to share something that is just enjoyable while watching TV. Really haven't been sewing as much as I would like but have been weaving on the new loom I received for Christmas. It's a 32 inch Ashford.

What's Up 2.26.19

What's up on my design wall today  I have actually a variety of projects that I am currently working on.   I have My Tree wall hanging up, deciding what is needed to finish next.  I'm working on the embroidery part, details on the birds and the flowers right now.  After I'm done with that then next will be the quilting. This will be hand quilted which I am looking forward to because right now I do not have anything in my hoop that I'm working on.  The other items on the wall is a crocheted Afghan that I started earlier this month. I must have a thing for doing crochet projects that you have to attach to another part to completed the pattern. This one will be circles, which will be attached to each other and then a small triangular piece will be then attached to fill in the space.  Have 6 of which I need 18 blocks completed. It will be all blue and white. Seeing how I had a basket full of blue scrap yarn to work with. This is one of