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Making Progress

The list is getting smaller. Yesterday the tree skirt was completed and looks just fine. Now you can see that the tree is not decorated much because the boys will help me finish it when they get here. And here is the sideboard decorated with my Santa collection. It's been so much fun decorating this year. Been too long.  Now I need to go get paint to make the handprints. Figure green and red will be the way to go. I'll get some tomorrow when I go to Tulsa. Getting my hair cut and run a few errands. Also was able to cut out 2 set of pajamas but don't know what I was thinking yesterday. I have my list made out for everyday already and today I had listed other jobs. Sewing will need to be later this week. Today on the list was boxing up the last of the books that are in the spare bedroom that is the boys room. I had moved all my quilting books in there when the carpet was replaced. Now the boys room is back to the way it was and ready for the "...

What's Up 11.28.16

Hey it's Monday, and what's Up. It's a long list for today.  I started on the tree skirt this morning, going with white with red trim. My intentions are to have the little boys put their handprints on it each year so I thought white would be the best background. Should have that done here shortly but I thought I'd write this first.  Then later this afternoon my plan is to cut out their PJs and have them ready to sew tomorrow.  I had ordered their robes instead of making them. Seeing how I got 50% off on the robes. I thought that was a great deal, I could not get the material for that price. And then I'm going to finish at the tamales I started. So far I have made 4 dozens and I probably have at least another couple dozen to go. I just got tired of making them last night, seeing how I'm doing it by myself, kind of a tedious job. It's more fun when you can do it in a group. Up on the design wall is still the Vintage...

WOW November Just Flew By

Here it's been three weeks since the last time I wrote, seem shorter than that. I have been so busy with getting ready for the holidays. My daughters will be here this year starting next week. I had intended to share so much over this time and will but right now I'll keep it short.  With all the decorating, cleaning, baking, cooking and shopping, I have had little time sewing but need to get busy this week. I have plans to make a tree skirt to have the family put painted hand prints on and each year the boys can add theirs. Also we are going to ride the Polar Express Train out of Stillwater Oklahoma and thought it would be so cute if the boys had PJ's like the little boy in the book    I have the flannel and pattern, so need to just get to it.  Update on the pants I cut out earlier this month..... I had made and I guess I hadn't gained as much as I thought I did for the size I cut out.  Very baggy but that's Okay. I'll just wear them a...

A Scarf, Trees and Sheep

The past two days have been a time of keeping busy. Thursday made it a week since the sheep have been doing their thing in the veggie patch.  Here is what it looked like the day they came. Now this is what it looks like after one week on them munching away. They have done a pretty good job so far. I'm thinking at least a few more days to maybe up to a week more. I'm thinking I need to seriously  think about getting a goat. I like goats, use to have one years ago and they make a good pet if that is what one want. Mine was like a big dog. Sweet, followed me everywhere and even would come when you called  but he like all the plants I didn't want him to eat. Will need a place to keep it in, that will take some work. Yesterday at the quilt shop it was "sit and sew". You bring whatever you wish to work on and bring your lunch. A time for sewing or something and visiting. Well I didn't take sewing this time, I took ...

Yarn and Reading

I've been needing to share what I've been making with my little cricket loom. I am so in love with weaving that I'm afraid I'm going to have to get a bigger one. But I believe I will wait till the new year and make it a birthday present for myself.  So far I've just been weaving scarves. I have a large stash of yarn that have been given to me over the years and seeing how my carpal tunnel is not getting any better this weaving is perfect for using up my stash. And besides that they make great gifts or for donations.  So here is what I have done so far minus one scarf that my youngest daughter has already claimed of her own and taken.  After I'm done with this one on the loom which I'm afraid will not be long enough for a scarf because this is the last of the yarn I have. Next is these yarns here I plan on loading up. I have seen so many very beautiful scars using all types of novelty yarns and thread. So I'm going to gi...

A Finish and A Start

It has been a warm day again, here it is November 1st and it looks like spring out the window Poor Lilac bush, blooming in confusion. Took some time this morning to check on the sheep and they are doing a great job so far, Thursday it will be a week and I'll show what a weeks worth of munching is. Well I'm so excited to have this finished so quickly. It's not like me.... usually I start something  and then get side track to come back later to finish.  Feels really good to work like that, been a while. White Birches is a simple design but so pretty. I had found this fabric a while back and it is just perfect for the back.  Thought about using it in place of the grey border but decided against it.  Would of worked but just wanted a more solid color look and this fabric would of looked more striped. The little birds turned out like I hoped with a little depth to them. This one is one I plan on quilting my...

What's Up 10/31/16

HAPPY HALLOWEEN I was hoping I could show a finished top but it was getting late and needed to stop and fix dinner and such.  The White Birches  started this afternoon looking like this. Was able to get most of the borders on. You can't really tell from the photo but there are 3 rounds of borders, White, then grey and than another white with  a red flange But all that's lacking is the two sides.  Again it will have to be tomorrow. I want to finish this so I can start another project for Christmas but I'll share that only after this is done tomorrow