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It's Monday and What's Up

Boy thank goodness there was something to watch yesterday because it took me around 5 hours to clean up 16 lbs of green beans to can today. I have had the first batch in the canner, 7 qts.  but every now and then this happens. Over time from use a jar will weaken and breaks. It was a clean break so the beans are not ruined with glass pieces so I'll not waste them and give those to the chickens. So to what I'll work on while waiting is what I was hoping to get done last night and that is to make the circle for my LE and applique them on. Then I have a binding I would like to put on my round robin christmas quilt. I plan on taking this with me tomorrow to the 30's Club at Sager Creek Quilt Shop to work on between groups. I just love how this quilt turned out. I am still waiting to receive pictures of all the participants quilts. I want to share them and how beautiful and different they turned out. But until then you just get to see

My Slow Sunday

I have more than some piecework planned for today. Yesterday I picked 16 lbs of green beans which I need to prep and clean for canning and freezing. So while watching last season episodes of "Breaking Bad" getting ready for the start of the new episodes later tonight. Then when I'm done with them, I am working on prepping some more blocks for the Pea Ridge Lily. And if I have enough time I'm going to make the circles for the ring the surrounds the compass to my Love Entwined. I have the pattern put together and next is I need to make the templates for this month part.  There are the triangle shapes, flowers and the floating flowers. Then there is the zig-zag border and as you can see it is 1 1/2 wide by 3/4 inch  pieces in this border.  But all of that is for another day, I have enough to do already. I hope your Sunday is slow and enjoyable. Linking up to

Week of Photos

We have had unusual amount of rain here, especially for August. Which has been a great benefit for all that I have growing in my gardens. So I thought I would share some of the beauty I been seeing.

Week (half) of Farm Photos 7/31 - 8//3/13

Well it's really just half of the week worth of farm pictures. I arrived home Wednesday evening and have been out in the garden every morning since I came home. I thought I would share the fruits grown here on our place. Some are doing better than others.

Grandma Been Busy

If you visit me you know I have been away for a couple of weeks. Had a family emergency in California and while there I was able to stay with my daughter and "the little dudes" Grandma had the pleasure of taking them for walks.   Shopping. Here they were being silly. They are at the age where they are now copying what the other one does, very aware of each other. I thought Ben looks so sweet wearing his hat and so did others at Costco. Blake loves eating spaghetti. I'm home now and need to again get caught up on chores. "The Man of the Place" lucked out when it came to watering my gardens. I guess while I was gone we have had remarkable amount of rain. Everything is green and growing.  But it is also humid and hot. It looks like my outside time will be early in the morning, then spend the rest of my time indoors.

Missed a Week

I can't believe last week slipped by me and I did not update my weekly goal. Well two weeks ago I had the task of going through my cookbooks and thinning them out. I figure about a third of them are going to go into a yard sale. Before                                                   After And these are the ones that are going to sell. Now for what I planned on working on. I started this list last week with the hope of getting all this done by today but I had high hopes "again"! The is my list 1. Fix hose with Gorilla tape   done and didn't work 2. Replant Swiss Chard (need to wait till Aug) 3. Lay soaker hoses 4. Fix the leaks in the a couple of soaker hoses 5. Pull cauliflower plants  done 6. Harvest cabbage 7. Tie and stake tomatoes   done 8. Fix support for  cucumbers 9. Mulch sweet potatoes 10. Weed blueberries and bean  beds  partially done 11. Clean out last 2 beds for fall crops   done 12. Try a natural grass

What's Up 7/15/13

I have to admit, nothing has changed on my wall this past week. But if you look around my sewing room you would've thought I had been very busy and have something to show for it. My room is very disorganize even when it's not messy. Just too much in a small room. I think this expresses it all. I have been prepping blocks (37) for my Pea Ridge Lily quilt. And I did applique the center on the compass and the background piece that will become the ring around the compass. I now need it make 1/4 circles (32) to go on the ring  This is a BOM at  Esther's Blog And the second month is here so once I get those circles appliqued on then I will get started on working on this part. I will change the colors though. I'm going scrappy so it won't quite be so uninformed.  Looks like I'll be busy. Like I'm not already.