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Loving this weather

I wish the weather would stay like this all year long, I don't believe I would get bored at all.
Yesterday I did take the pictures of my handy work outside. What I had potted up. 
Last Friday while helping with Master Gardener's I was at a event for Arbor Day that the Cherokee Nation had put on and some of the booths were giving out native trees. So I picked out ones we do not have here on our place.

Picked out some Shortleaf Pines and Chinkapin Oaks, they are the ones in the coffee containers, needed some larger than the other pots that the pines are in. I'll plant them in the fall.

Also plan on redoing some of the beds around the house, they have become over come with weeds and another type of weed that I can not pull or dig out so I'm going to have to resort to spraying. Either my herbicide is old or they are just a tough plant to kill. I do see some yellowing but I'll spray again. In one spot along the side of the house I'm going to put the large tubs there, with tomatoes and also a bale or 2 of straw, which I'll plant cucumbers

They are ready to be planted

That meant I needed to dig up what I wanted to keep, which wasn't much.

Had some mini Iris's

And a Rhubarb plant, use to have two but the spot is not ideal for them. Really having a hard time making it where they were, lost one. So I'm in search of a better spot but for now it's a five gallon bucket.

My Clematis is gorgeous this year

Just covered in these large violet blooms.

Best  year yet, just wish they would stay all summer.

Today I took the worm bin out of the garage and cleaned out a couple of the trays.

Hadn't done this since last year and there was two trays to remove the worm compost.

Do need to crush up the egg shells finer.

Looks good doesn't it, I plan to use it in the pots for the tomatoes.

I did pot up some succulents. I couple weeks ago while at Costco came across this dip and tray set and my daughter suggested that I should get it to plant succulents in, so I did.

It looks really nice on the dining room table.

I have done a little more crocheting and finished the second blanket

Now there 2 twin sized blankets

I can say it did use up all the balls I had in the tub.

This tub was full when I first started these two.
Feels good to have an empty tub.


  1. Wow the clematis is stunning......

  2. Such a lovely post. Such a joy to see the beautiful clematis, a wonderful colour. The blankets are stunning, they certainly do use a lot of yarn.

  3. It is a beautiful time of the year. I do enjoy seeing what people are planting and growing in their gardens.

  4. your clematis is ahead of mine - mine looked horrible at the end of winter and I cut them way back and now they are taking off growing so well, getting buds but I need to train them back to climbing where I want them to be. I still have my rhubarb plant in a big pot and it seems to be doing better in it then it did in the ground the previous times I tried to grow it.

  5. De natuur is prachtig altijd om deze tijd van het jaar.
    Fijn gevoel de garen bak leeg. Mooie dekens
    Groetnis Annie

  6. Your purple clematis is gorgeous! I had one when I moved here years ago / then added an Autumn clematis....both taken over by a bindweed later on :(

    Your blankets are beautiful!!

  7. Your Clematis is astounding! Do your worms winter over in the garage? Enjoy the weather and soak up that sunshine!

  8. Your Clematis is gorgeous! We used to have one, but the roses swallowed it up. Last week was so pretty. Seems we've moved right into summer this week. Oh well it often seems we only get a week of spring.


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