I believe I have an answer to how to go about getting the look I want on the border to the Rocky Road. Remember I asked about what you all thought about color and thickness of thread, and from your answers I went with the white pearl cotton. Loved the look but it was just to hard on my wrist, but wanted to have that look without the pain. So I tried using the quilting thread doubled, it was a piece a cake to stitch but thought it was not quite heavy enough. Then I had an idea about trying sulky 12 wt thread. I use this thread for embroidery work It's thicker than quilting thread but not as thick as pearl cotton. Threaded through my quilting needles....great decided I would also double it, it worked. Can you tell which stitches are which? Most is pearl cotton but there is the quilting thread and sulky. Hope this is self explainable. Where the light blue are pearl cotton...the look I like Between the yellow lines is t...