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So Many Ways

I have been playing catch up with you on what is going on this past week. I hadn't mention my Mom and her treatments for Melanoma has been going. She did just fine with the surgery to remove the tumor (which was a success) but now she is dealing with a spot on a lymph node near where the tumor was. Finally she started radiation this week. She should have little reaction they say because she is having Cyber-knife radiation. Because its a pin-pointed form of radiation, there is less damage to surrounding tissues or organs. Which sounds all good to me.  So from what I have posted in the past, I always take something with me to her medical appointments. Most of the time it is something small to carry along with me, something with very few pieces and crocheting seem to be the main go-to project I grab What I've been taking lately is crochet wash clothes. Still working on using up the stash yarn, there is a tub of Sugar n Cream cotton yarn I been working wit

Moving Slowly

It's not just slow Sunday but I have myself been moving slowly and stiffly. For some reason unknown to me, my sciatic nerve is bothering me.  I'm having no problem fitting right in with the theme today of  slow Sunday but it does hurt a little if I sit around to much or long. But while I am, a little embroidery work is what I'm doing today.  It's Winter Wonderland by Crab-apple Hill design  I final finished the largest section last month. Boy was that a lot of work. It didn't seem that it would at first but those trees were for me what took so long.  Also finished another smaller one since the last time I posted a picture back on May 20. This is how many sections that are completed.  This next section is also a large section but at least not as big as the other. Expect this to take me a little while too. For the Winter Wonderland and many other embroidery work, I use a product that is printable, sticky back and water so

Time Flys

I can't believe that here it is the second half of August, where has the past 7 weeks gone. I have had family visits and been helping my parents but still looking back at that, where did it go. Haven't gone anywhere and I'm feeling like I need to get away. Until then, life goes on. Haven't done sewing on a regular bases. With that said I was able to get 3 tops finished and now ready to go to the quilter. First is Scrappy One ( update; I had been in touch with the person who has the blog "I Just Love Quilts" . She had made this same pattern a few years ago and I asked if it was ok to put a link to her blog so so you could also see her version of this quilt. here's the link   i just love quilts This quilt ended up being large enough for my King size bed  118 x 103 I just love it and it will so nice on the bed. All 1" squares SNOWMAN'S Now this top I had thought I had lost it. I have looked for this quilt for a

So Forgetful

I stopped working on the So Big Scrappy quilt to finish up the last 30's quilt. I so thought we were having our last meeting and have been trying to get it completed. Well yesterday I knew it wouldn't be totally done (lacking border) but would still bring it as is. I decided to go with the green inside and blue outer. I assembled the four outer corners together and then the sides. I wanted to have no Y seams and didn't  by sewing it this way. Once that was completed I was ready to put on the blue strips. That was all I could do for now. While at the shop I would get some fabric similar to this fat quarter I had. First thing before going to the meeting I went and had my hair cut. Seeing how I just took off about 3" of the colored hair I didn't bother with a before and after. Really no change other than somewhat shorter and very cleaned looking. So after all that done I found out that the meeting was not to be thi

What's Up 7.9.18

I have had a busy past 3 days that I was too tired to write. When I'm tired I have very short sentences and feel like it's just not a good post. Friday I went to my parents house to play cards with my aunt and uncle who are here from Salt Lake. Mom is feeling good and so we had a good time playing a few games. Saturday I did get a little time in the sewing room. Mom is going to make a quilt for one of the grand kids. She has problems rotary cutting so I did it for her Found this pattern in one of her magazine and purchase fabric at JoAnns    I cut, labeled and bag the pieces that way she should be able to find what she needs. Then there is the hay. It is that time of year we cut and bale hay. And my job is to help haul it out of the fields to the hay lane where it is kept till needed I drove the "babe getter"  This truck "the Man of the Place" purchased new in 1978 and named it. He said all he had to do is drive this truc

So Big

The more I work on this No Named quilt, the more it gets bigger. I have been making this up from a picture seeing how I know of no known pattern.  I'm getting to the part where I am finish putting together the blocks to assemble. Decided to attach the sashing to each block, so much easier than adding rows of sashing. Then I'll sew the row together then I made enough blocks to be 5 blocks by 6 blocks Figure I would start with rows of 6. That way I'll need to make 5 rows of 6 blocks. The first row is sewn Dang it's long........ Too long for my wall and it's 8 feet... What have I've done. Laid it out on the floor and measured, it measured out to 110" already and will be larger because I'll need to 2 more 3" sections making it closer to 116"  That's my guess. Finally a quilt that will fit my King size bed.  I don't have one that fits the bed. Yesterday I picked some of the