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What's Up 5-14-18

I have two projects up on the wall Been working on the scrappy nine patch and mystery Winterse Hejxes. I've picked out the next fabric for group of hexagons but haven't prepared them yet. Figure I would take them with me tomorrow. Mom has an appt. I had last week finished the binding on this quilt. Pretty windy today, the quilt just didn't want to stay up. Did my best at trying. such a beautiful butterfly. I think its a Black Swallowtail.

Happy Mother's Day

I hope all the Mothers out there had a good day My day was, very relaxing. Stayed home and spent a few hours in the sewing room. Decided yesterday what pattern I wanted to do for this month RSC, color is pink so went and found some.   I wanted something easy but baby appropriate. Always like the Gingham patterns I've seen out there. Simply enough, just 5" squares   Put them up on the wall to get the pattern straight and in just little over an hour I'm done with the top.  Love it. Some of today was finishing adding the hexes to the Winterse Hejxes mystery.  Now I need to figure out the next colors to use. Yesterday I did get a little more done on with nine patches. Started making all of these, need 30 blocks Hard to believe that there are 81 -1" squares in this block Just plugging along Do hope you had a good day. till later Linking up with So Scrappy Kathy's qui

Chain Piecing

Today I was in a brainless mode. Just didn't want to do anything today that meant I have to think or figure out. It didn't matter what, example is for gardening it was just some weeding, don't have to think. I just went through the motion and daydreamed. So I worked on the leader and ender project. I had started this over a year ago, I had seen a picture on Pintrest and look furiously for the pattern, I wanted to make it. The only pattern per say was for a small block Similar to what I've done here Needed Update: Roxanne left a comment saying she had found the pattern, located at Temecula Quilt Company   This is a link to theirs. I wish I had found it before I started, would helped. I must of seen another or didn't quite remember it right. because my version is slightly different. I tried to find it again to give a link but just now couldn't locate it. I usually pin the info on my quilt board but I didn't  I thin

Having Fun

I am having too much fun playing in dirt. I was thinking yesterday while planting and weeding that it has been since 2011 since I have stayed home the entire month of May. The Grandsons were born in 2012 on the 17th so I had been there in Clalifornia every year for the first 4 years for their birthdays. Last year and this year I'll miss, last year I was in Houston Tx, M.D. Anderson and this year Mom is having surgery. Because of that I home and really taking advantage of this. My yard and gardens have taken a lot of neglect and are in need of a lot of care. Was able to get a few of the tomatoes potted up and cleaning up the front flower bed.  Nothing much to look at now, have Purple Cone flowers and  4 o'clocks in that bed. Looky ...... blossoms  on the tomatoes and Paw Paw tree Enough of gardening for the monent Look how far I made it yesterday morning on the border poor picture but made it halfway on one side (long side) while watc

It's a Go

I believe I have an answer to how to go about getting the look I want on the border to the Rocky Road. Remember I asked about what you all thought about color and thickness of thread, and from your answers I went with the white pearl cotton. Loved the look but it was just to hard on my wrist, but wanted to have that look without the pain. So I tried using the quilting thread doubled, it was a piece a cake to stitch but thought it was not quite heavy enough. Then I had an idea about trying sulky 12 wt thread. I use this thread for embroidery work It's thicker than quilting thread but not as thick as pearl cotton. Threaded through my quilting needles....great decided I would also double it, it worked. Can you tell which stitches are which? Most is pearl cotton but there is the quilting thread and sulky. Hope this is self explainable. Where the light blue are pearl cotton...the look I like Between the yellow lines is t

Loving this weather

I wish the weather would stay like this all year long, I don't believe I would get bored at all. Yesterday I did take the pictures of my handy work outside. What I had potted up.  Last Friday while helping with Master Gardener's I was at a event for Arbor Day that the Cherokee Nation had put on and some of the booths were giving out native trees. So I picked out ones we do not have here on our place.    Picked out some Shortleaf Pines and  Chinkapin Oaks , they are the ones in the coffee containers, needed some larger than the other pots that the pines are in. I'll plant them in the fall. Also plan on redoing some of the beds around the house, they have become over come with weeds and another type of weed that I can not pull or dig out so I'm going to have to resort to spraying. Either my herbicide is old or they are just a tough plant to kill. I do see some yellowing but I'll spray again. In one spot along the side of the house I'm going to p

Where did a week go

It's amazing sometimes how quickly time fly's by. Last Thursday I said I had to be in Tulsa with Mom and it was an all day event like I predicted. Her check up was fine and looks like she is ok to have surgery in a couple weeks. Friday was the start of some very pretty days here. Now that I'm in the master gardeners group I was able to participate in my first event as a member.  For arbor day we went to 3 elementary schools and had trees for the kids to help plant.  Planted American Elm trees. This is the same specie of tree that is the Survivor Tree in Oklahoma City that was at the site on the bombing of the Murrah Building. That was in 1995, one year after I moved to Oklahoma. The rest of the day was getting tomato plants and some herbs. Saturday  was such a pretty day, spent all day outside. Had to get the back porch cleaned off to bring out the plants that have been in the house and garage. Need to get pictures but the ones that were