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My Present Pillows

 A week or so ago the Henry Glass Co. promoted a Holiday Blog Hop featuring their designers. I don't know if you have followed one but it can be  pretty interesting. You learned about the designers and most of the time they will have some sort of project. This one spoke to me, it said "you just have to make me".
So I did.
I found this at Pink Figs blog, this is her pattern called  present pillows . Click on present pillow to get her pattern.
If you are looking for something unique to decorate your home, you might like this. Or if your needing a gift for one of the many parties you'll attend this holiday season I think this is a good one. I plan on making this pattern smaller to be a tree ornament.
These pillows are being donated to a silent auction to help raise money for the Angel Tree and Christmas Food Baskets. We have an event called the Festival Of Trees at our church where the public can come look at decorated Christmas trees and other Christmas items and bid on them. We raise a fair amount to help out our mission projects plus it's a lot fun. 

Till next time


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